Word clouding P Chidambaram's Union Budget 2013-14 speech
Word clouding P Chidambaram's Union Budget 2013-14 speech
We got a word cloud generator to crunch all the words from Finance Minister P Chidambaram's Budget speech.

While the experts analyse P Chidambaram's Union Budget for the financial year 2013-14, we give a little tech twist to what the Finance Minister said in his speech. In his eighth Budget address in Parliament, Chidambaram's speech had in all 12,292 words. We got a word cloud generator to crunch all the words from the speech and came up with the words that the Finance Minister repeated the most in his speech.

Since a budget talks money and figures, Rs (Rupees) and crore are the most oft repeated terms and so is percent and also propose (the budget is a proposal by the Finance Minister before the Parliament). 'Tax' was a priority, according to our analysis and 'Investment' also featured prominently. The size of the words on the image correspond to their frequency in the Budget speech (click on the image for a larger view).

####Tag cloud of Finance Minister P Chidambaram's Union Budget 2013-14 speech

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