Natural products have always played a major role in skincare. Numerous beauty products are available on the market to improve skin texture and glow. But beauty experts always suggest going for natural products for the skin, rather than those chemical-laden products that are easily available on the market. Although there are many home remedies, do you know that the tea we drink regularly also helps to improve our facial glow? The good news is that we can also improve our complexion by drinking tea. Tea is packed with antioxidant nutrients and anti-inflammatory properties, which further improve our skin health and give us a good complexion. Today, let us know how to use tea water on our faces to get glowing, radiant skin.
Choose the right tea powder:
The tea powder available in the shops near us may have added chemicals. So make it a point to choose tea powder that contains only natural tea as much as possible. A green tea packet will be a good choice. You can also opt for spiced tea powders like mint or lavender.
Mix the tea bag or natural tea powder of your choice in a cup of water and let it boil on medium heat. After the tea extract is well mixed with water, strain it and let it cool.
How to start:
First, wash your face with clean water. If you have any make-up, dirt, etc on your face, gently clean it with a cleanser. Then wipe your face with a towel.
Soaking the cloth:
Soak a white cotton cloth in the tea water you have taken to apply to your face. Take the cloth and squeeze it lightly.
Apply tea water:
Then apply the tea water soaked in cotton cloth to your face lightly. You can rub it up to the neck area as well. Be careful not to get it into the eyes.
Give it time:
Give your face the time it needs to absorb the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of tea. Through this, you can also remove unwanted blackheads and germs from the face.
If you have dark circles around your eyes, take extra care and massage them with tea. You can take a little time to massage the places where there are pimples.
Last step:
After massaging the face well with the tea, you can clean your face with warm water or wipe your face with a clean cotton cloth lightly moistened.
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