We might eat right or look our best, if we don’t take care of our personal hygiene, then it might put a bad impression on people. Flaunting a six pack will do you no good if you stink. Not only will you be repulsive to people around, but it can cause public embarrassment. While most of us take a bath daily and use soap, body washes and shampoo to keep our body and hair clean, there is one part of the body that many of us neglect while cleansing the body. It is the navel or the umbilical region of the stomach. Science tells us that the navel is actually a wound. The navel is a wound caused by cutting the umbilical cord for the separation of the newborn child from the mother.
According to a research paper published in PLOS One in 2012, the study found 2,368 types of bacteria in the navel. Thus the navel is considered to be the dirtiest part of the body. This area produces a lot of sweat. But none of us cleans the navel with our fingers since it is hollow. This results in the accumulation of bacteria and makes the area stink.
Using a washcloth, carefully clean the area around and just inside the belly button with warm water and a small amount of soap. To ensure that all of the water has been removed from the belly button, rinse with fresh, warm water and pat dry with a towel. Or if you want to try a more unconventional approach, dib a cotton swab in alcohol and run gently on the surfaces of the navel. Once the cotton swab comes out clean, use a fresh one dipped in water to rinse the alcohol out of your navel so it doesn’t dry your skin.
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