In a world full of ready-made remedies, natural home remedies have always been one of the first choices. Digestive diseases have grown increasingly frequent in recent times. While some go to doctors and pharmaceuticals for treatment, others abide by ancient home remedies. A popular, time-tested remedy is to eat a tiny slice of fresh ginger with sendha namak (rock salt).
Agni, which means “fire” in Sanskrit, is used by Ayurveda to describe the digestive system’s capacity. Our power and energy come from the subtle and physical fire that’s within us. The entire body is affected by a weak agni or digestive fire. We may not be able to adequately digest and absorb the nutrients from our diet if we have low agni. Additionally, toxins can build up throughout the body, not just in the digestive system. This can impair our immunity, and energy levels and ultimately lead to disease.
Symptoms of Digestion Problem
- You eat a normal amount of food and then get pain or bloating.
- You burp out a different flavour and smell from your food after eating.
- After eating, you experience unusually prolonged feelings of fullness.
- The process of digestion can be heard.
- Your stool smells bad, is not well-formed and solid, mushy, or includes blood, mucous, or undigested food.
- Normally, you don’t feel hungry when it’s mealtime. An intense burning of the agni is indicated by hunger. Similarly, a lack of appetite indicates a weak agni.
- Ginger and Rock Salt: Benefits and Process To Consume
For generations, people have valued ginger, a common spice with a unique flavour and aroma, for its therapeutic qualities. A pinch of this common root, when mixed with rock salt, before a meal will improve digestion. This age-old method, which has its roots in Asian customs, can better digestion and flavour enhancement.
According to experts, ginger and rock salt together may have a very effective effect on digestion. Consuming ginger and rock salt together before meals helps improve digestive fire, increase metabolism, and facilitate the effective blend of nutrients.
Method 1
It’s easy to include this remedy in your routine. Take a tiny piece of fresh ginger, about the size of a fingertip, sprinkle some rock salt on it, and chew it slowly ten to fifteen minutes before the main meal. The rock salt and the juice from the ginger will combine to form a powerful mixture that stimulates the digestive system.
Method 2
Grate the ginger, combine it with rock salt, and eat it as a paste if you’d rather have a softer flavour. For some who find raw ginger too strong, this may be more tolerable while providing the same digestive advantages.
A quick and easy method to improve your digestion and general health is to include natural medicines in your diet. This kind of old method helps to cure common digestive problems and is accepted by modern science. You can enjoy your food without any discomfort of bloating, gas, or indigestion by strengthening your digestive system before meals. Include this herbal remedy and see the changes in your digestion process.
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