Guru Gobind Singh was born on December 22 as per the Georgian calendar but his birthday is celebrated every year in accordance with the lunar calendar. The only son of Guru Tegh Bahadur, the ninth Sikh Guru, and Mata Gujri, he assumed the role of the 10th Sikh Guru on March 29, 1676, at the age of nine, following his father’s public beheading in Delhi on November 11, 1675, under Aurangzeb’s orders for refusing to convert to Islam.
Guru Gobind Singh Ji introduced the Five K’s tradition of the Khalsa, emphasizing Kesh (uncut hair), Kangha (a wooden comb), Kara (an iron or steel bracelet worn on the wrist), Kirpan (a sword or dagger), and Kacchera (short breeches). He also established the Guru Granth Sahib as the eternal Guru of Sikhism, instructing Sikhs to regard it as their teacher. Since then, the Guru Granth Sahib has been revered as the perpetual guru of the Sikh community.
Quotes by Guru Gobind Singh
- Karta (The Creator) and Karim (The beneficent) are the names of the same God. Razak (The provider) and Rahim (The merciful) are also the names given to Him. Let no man in his error wrangle over differences in names. Worship the One God who is the Lord of all. Know that his form is one and He is the one light diffused in all.
- I tell the truth; listen to everyone. Only those who have loved will realise the Lord.
- He alone is a man who keeps his word, not that he has one thing in the heart and another on the tongue.
- The greatest comforts and lasting peace are obtained when one eradicates selfishness from within.
- Whosoever assumes a religious garb pleases not God even a bit. O ye men understand this clearly in your minds, that God is attained not through showmanship. They, who practice deceit, attain not Deliverance in the Hereafter. They do so only to accomplish the affairs of the world and even the kings worship them for their appearance! But through showmanship, God is attained not, however one searches. He who subdues his mind alone recognizes the Transcendent God.
- If you are strong, torture not the weak, and thus lay not the axe to thy empire.
- Shed not recklessly the blood of another with thy sword, lest the Sword on High falls upon thy neck.
- The lord can never be established nor created; the formless one is limitlessly complete in Himself. Death would not be called bad, O people, if one knew how to truly die.
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