The popular reality show Bigg Boss OTT is nearing its end with the finale happening on September 18. The current contestants on the show are Raqesh Bapat, Shamita Shetty, Divya Agarwal, Pratik Sehejpal and Nishant Bhatt. Neha Bhasin was eliminated last night during a surprise eviction. In the last episode, the Bigg Boss OTT contestants were heartbroken over Neha’s sudden eviction as they were not prepared for it. Pratik Sehejpal broke down and his housemates consoled him.
The day 39 started on a sweet note as we saw Raqesh and Shamita sharing a loving moment. Raqesh trimmed Shamita’s hair giving her a fresh look. On the previous day, Raqesh had left Shamita speechless as he said “Je t’aime,” which translates as I love you in French.
Meanwhile, the other contestants were also given an emotional task. As the show is nearing its end, Bigg Boss made every contestant relive their memories in the house. They were given two memories out of the things that happened to them during the last six weeks. However, the twist was that they had to shred one memory out of the two and give their reasons why.
The first contestant to go down the memory lane was Nishant Bhat who was asked to choose between a memory with Pratik and Raqesh. he was put in a spot as he is good friends with both of them. Nishant decided to shred an ugly fight and a memory with Raqesh in the house. The next contestant was Shamita Shetty who was asked to choose between a memory with her connection Raqesh and frenemy Divya. Shamita shocked everyone when he shredded a memory with Raqesh. However, she said that she did so because she was seeing videos of ugly fights between them and wanted to get rid of those memories as they are both in a good place.
Next in the line was Pratik Sehajpal who was kept in the spot with two situations between Neha and Nishant. Pratik chose to save a memory with Neha as he missed her. He was also seen getting emotional as it was an overwhelming decision for him. Divya got the toughest choice to make amidst all contestants, as she had to choose between two friends whom she equally loves and respects, Raqesh and Nishant.
The last contestant to participate in the task was Raqesh. He had to make a choice between a memory of a situation between Divya and Shamita. Raqesh chose Shamita, whom he had confessed him feelings to, the day before. This was also after the events of the previous days task. Raqesh had to give a like and dislike during a debate between Shamita and Divya but he couldn’t do so. At least he made a choice this time!
Bigg Boss OTT, hosted by filmmaker Karan Johar, streams on Voot.
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