"Crazy Rich Asians" star Henry Golding and his wife, yoga instructor Liv Lo are set to welcome their first child together. The 33-year-old actor shared the news on Instagram alongside pictures of the couple. In one of the photos, Golding can be seen pointing a finger at his wife's baby bump and captioned it: "2021 is already looking brighter." Lo, 35, also posted a two photographs, including one of her kissing her husband.
Los Angeles: “Crazy Rich Asians” star Henry Golding and his wife, yoga instructor Liv Lo are set to welcome their first child together. The 33-year-old actor shared the news on Instagram alongside pictures of the couple. In one of the photos, Golding can be seen pointing a finger at his wife’s baby bump and captioned it: “2021 is already looking brighter.” Lo, 35, also posted a two photographs, including one of her kissing her husband.
“Such immense joy this little one has brought us already. Now we get to share it with you. We love you!” she wrote alongside the pictures. The couple met on New Year’s Day 2011 and got married in Sarawak, Malaysia, in August 2016.
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