What Are The Ivy League Colleges In The US?
What Are The Ivy League Colleges In The US?
The Ivy League universities started off as an association of eight competitive and high-performing athletic colleges

The Ivy League is a group of the most prestigious schools and universities in the United States. Primarily located in the country’s Northeastern region, this elite group of educational institutions, over time, has gained popularity for their reputation of churning out graduates with high academic performances, promising careers, and social prestige.

The Ivy League universities started off as an association of eight competitive and high-performing athletic colleges. The athletic performance led the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) to fuel more funding for these colleges. This eventually led to these colleges gaining more traction.

Listed below are the eight Ivy League universities which still maintain their prime status:

Yale University

Yale University is located in New Haven, Connecticut, and is a renowned institution for its theatre and music courses.

Princeton University

Princeton is one of the oldest colleges in the United States and is well-known for its public policy and international relations curriculum. The university is located in Princeton, New Jersey.

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Harvard University

Located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard is arguably the most popular university in the top ivy league. The university is a founding member of the Association of American Universities and is a leading institution in doctorate programmes in arts, sciences, and engineering.

Cornell University

Cornell university is located in Ithaca, New York, and was the youngest of all ivy league colleges. The college is most sought after for programmes in architecture and engineering.

University of Pennsylvania

Founded by Ben Franklin, the founding father of the United States, the University of Pennsylvania is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The university’s Wharton School is considered one of the world’s best business schools.

Columbia University

The college was first issued under the moniker King’s College but was later named Columbia after the United States gained its freedom. The college is best known for its Pulitzer Prize that the university awards as a recognition of excellence in writing, music, and literature.

Dartmouth University

Located in Hanover, New Hampshire, Dartmouth University has one of the most aesthetic and flora-loaded campuses. The college is well-known for its courses in economics and public policy.

Brown University

Brown University is located in Providence, Rhode Island. The institution is known for its extra-curricular activities, apart from its sought-after courses.

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