Assam Speaker Hitendra Nath Goswami Says Right to Dissent Integral Part of Democracy
Assam Speaker Hitendra Nath Goswami Says Right to Dissent Integral Part of Democracy
The speaker, however, said the government is also duty-bound to protect lives and properties, while rejecting two notices to discuss in the House the government's alleged high-handed approach in tackling anti-CAA protests.

Guwahati: Assam Assembly Speaker Hitendra Nath Goswami on Tuesday said the right to express dissent is an integral part of democracy and it is protected by the Constitution.

However, the government is also duty-bound to maintain peace and protect lives and properties, Goswami said, while rejecting two notices to discuss in the House the government's alleged high-handed approach in tackling anti-Citizenship Amendment Act protests.

Goswami had on Monday reserved his decision on allowing two adjournment motions moved by the Congress and the AIUDF for a day. Following this, the two parties had staged a walkout.

"I am of the opinion that the right to express dissent is an integral part of our democracy and each and every individual has right to do so under Article 19 of the Constitution," the speaker said.

The government is also duty-bound to maintain peace and tranquillity, and protect lives and properties of individuals and public, he added.

"While discharging this responsibility, if any excess or partiality is noticed, judicial remedy is an option before all of us," Goswami said.

The Speaker said the matter of the amended Citizenship law is pending before the Supreme Court, while some persons connected with the anti-CAA movement are in custody on specific charges and their cases are also sub-judice.

Goswami said grievances raised through the adjournment motions can be placed before the House during the Budget discussion or through any other device within a reasonably short time.

He said the two notices, which were brought by AIUDF's Hafiz Bashir Ahmed and Congress' Debabrata Saikia, were clubbed as the subject matter relate to one principal issue. Congress and AIUDF members did not react to the Speaker's ruling in the House.

On Monday, Goswami had allowed Ahmed and Saikia to speak about the admissibility of the two notices, while the Parliamentary Affairs Minister Chandra Mohan Patowary expressed the government's view on them.

When the Speaker reserved decision on allowing the motions, members of the two parties trooped into the well of the House raising slogans in favour of their demands. BJP members too reached there and shouted counter slogans.

MLAs of the two sides almost came to blows forcing Patowary to intervene and made the BJP members return to their seats.

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