Braving all odds, Army guards LoC in Gurez to stop infiltration before it snows
Braving all odds, Army guards LoC in Gurez to stop infiltration before it snows
Army said that security forces are not lowering their guard at LoC due to the ongoing Assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir.

Gurez: Braving all odds, particularly cold and harsh conditions at the forward posts in the border town of Gurez in North Kashmir, the Army has maintained round-the-clock vigil along the Line of Control (LoC) to stop terrorists from sneaking into this side from Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) before snow blocks all infiltration routes.

"Even though infiltration attempts have not been made in this sector for the last couple of years, but at this time of the year we have to be extra careful as all the infiltration routes into the state will be closing in the next couple of weeks as the higher reaches receive 15-25 feet snowfall. So, infiltration attempts will be made, but we are ready to counter any such action," an Army jawan posted at a forward post in Gurez told

Gurez, which gets cut off from the rest of the state for six winter months due to heavy snowfall, the temperature goes below freezing point even during the day time, making patrolling along the rough terrain on LoC very difficult. But there is no question of lowering the guards despite all odds, he said.

Meanwhile, due to snow all the forward posts get cut off from their respective base camps for over three months. "We have to store ration at all forward posts, which have three to four jawans in each bunker ready to make any sacrifice to safeguard the borders," a jawan posted in a base camp near Chorwan village said. Chorwan is the last village on this side of the LoC and is within the small arms firing range of Pakistani Army.

"We even remain cut off with our families during this period as there is no phone or letters facility. However, on some occasions when there is less snow we get letters from home to know the welfare of our family members," the jawans said, adding that they do this to protect the country and have no regrets.

"Some of us have joined the force to earn livelihood but majority of us want to do something for the country and what else is the best way to serve your motherland than protecting her from all enemies," they said.

In the last three years, the infiltration attempts during the winter months in the state have been recorded in single digits - five in 2013, three in 2012 and none in 2011 and 2010. For the entire year, the infiltration attempts made were 97 in 2013, 121 in 2012, 52 in 2011 and 95 in 2010 respectively.

However, sources in the Army said that security forces are not lowering their guard at LoC due to the ongoing Assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir and in view of the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan.

(Abid Soffi is Managing Editor, 'Kashmir Pioneer'. He lives in Srinagar.)


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