Bringing ordinance to keep parties out of RTI is an abuse of power: Soli Sorabjee
Bringing ordinance to keep parties out of RTI is an abuse of power: Soli Sorabjee
According to sources, the government is planning to bring the ordinance to the Cabinet soon and pass it in the Monsoon Session of Parliament.

New Delhi: Hitting out at the government's proposed move to bring an ordinance to keep political parties out of the ambit of the Right to Information Act (RTI), former Attorney-General Soli Sorabjee said 'it is an abuse of constitutional power'.

"It's an abuse of constitutional power, ordinance should be brought in only in extraordinary situation when a law needs to be brought about urgently. What is the urgency in this case? Why can't they challenge the CIC order in High Court or the Supreme Court?" Sorabjee said.

According to sources, the government is planning to bring the ordinance to the Cabinet soon and pass it in the Monsoon Session of Parliament.

What government is counting on is the fact that almost all parties agree on the fact that since they are not constitutional bodies, they are not covered by RTI act, but some like BJP want to score a point and demand a debate.

"On ordinance for political parties out of RTI - in the wake of information commission's judgment as well we had said this issue requires a debate. Political parties need to be open," BJP leader Ravi Shankar Prasad said.

In an election year when every party eyes more funds, certainly any probe in their working is something they want to avoid.

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