No split in BJP if Modi is declared as PM candidate: Pushpesh Pant
No split in BJP if Modi is declared as PM candidate: Pushpesh Pant
Can the divided house of BJP come together before the next general elections?

The country's second largest national political party is riddled with factions with more than four of its top leaders harbouring prime ministerial ambitions and each one going to any length to queer the other's pitch. Will they be able to bridge their gaps in time? Former professor of politics at JNU Pushpesh Pant joined IBNLive readers for an interaction on the issue.

Q. How likely can BJP present NaMo as PM candidate before elections and change the candidate after elections? Asked by: P Nagarjuna

A. It's only a matter of time- not too long to wait after the resounding win in the bye elections. I don't think that there would be any need to change the prime ministerial candidate for the BJP if it is within striking distance of a cobbled majority. This may greatly distress the Congress and UPA but the Indian electorate seems to favour a strong man- even if dictatorial and intolerant. Appeasers and dynastic retainers seem to have taken the nation to the brink of an abyss. This may be ominous for democracy as it is experienced today but that's the way the cookie seems to be crumbling!

Q. If you see BJP developments.. are they on overconfidence? Do you think 2009 election result will repeat in 2014? Asked by: Mallikarjun

A. Hardly overconfident! BJP stalwarts and heavy weights beginning from the top-Advani is a prime example- are beset with self doubt, lack of confidence and troubled y confusion. Modi is leagues ahead of other prime ministerial aspirants in terms of popularity, image etc. Not all this can be dismissed as disinformation and manipulating media. Actually, Modi's larger than life image is a creation of Congress. His demonisation has begun to cast a terrifying shadow that petrifies would be, wannabe detractors. There is no giant slayer in sight. There is no 'knight in shining armour' who can act as saviour . RG has conceded this. Sad but true.

Q. NaMo pulled a big win today in bypoll and Nitish lost in Bihar. How do you think this will play in BJP equations. Asked by: Kapil

A. Lets see how this ones plays out. Nitish will take some time to lock hi self inflicted wounds. Walter Mitty or Call him Mungeri Lal- the time for day dreaming is over. What Third Front? He has tried to snuggle close to the Congress but the minorities have refused to repose their trust in him. Lalu may be peppy and indulge in buffoonery for a little while more but the Maharajganj verdict once again highlights the warts on the face of electoral politics. Caste and community matter more as do muscle and money power the ideology and bread and butter issues. Nitish may ponder the price that has to be paid for Arrogance of Power and opportunism.

Q. Jaitely - Legally perfect, Sushma _ effective in communication,, LK advani - - Experienced senior, NaMO - Delivering with leadership skills. Why not all of them in the cabinet with Rajnath,an effective coordinator, as the PM? Asked by: sundar1950in

A. How one wishes that BJP were listening to this chat! It will be long before we see the unmentionable animals take wings! Two reservations. Jaitley has lost all credibility since his intriguing conduct in BCCI affair Cricketing interests overrode National Interest. Legal perfection is to my mind is a fatal flaw in Indian politics. Witness Kapil Sibbal in Congress. Sushma has a way with words and a mass appeal but as long as LKA is there standing tall like a Banyan can anyone grow under his shadow? Rajnath, Shiv Raj and Raman Singh are forced to defer to his 'wisdom' and suffer in silence the collateral damage he repeatedly causes in friendly fire!

Q. Advani a real destroyer of BJP, in the past as well he destabilized leaders like Kalyan singh, Uma Bharati, Yedurappa Jawant Singh and so on. Now he wanted to finish Modi, and aspire for PM post. Isn't it? Asked by: mohan

A. You expect a disagreement on this one? His build up has never matched his performance. Why waste time discussing a product long past its expiry date?

Q. The so called crab mentality story is definitely known to the leaders in BJP, they being well learned. Why in spite of it the cohesiveness needed is absent? Asked by: sundar1950in

A. What about the Congress Crabs? Indians outside politics too suffer from this disease.

Q. Who do you believe is a real national level leader in BJP, other than LK Advani? Asked by: sundar1950in

A. Must all discussion on BJP begin and end with Advani and Modi. Its time we seriously debated relative merits and flaws of Rajnath Singh, Shiv Raj Singh and Sushma Swaraj. This should be done not only with with reference to Modi but comparing this new generation with the peer group in Congress and other political parties.

Q. Has NaMo done succession planning for Gujarat, with all his reported ambitions to take seat at Delhi? Asked by: sundar1950in

A. Modi, not the most transparent and trusting leaders hasn't shared any information on this one with us or anyone else. No clues no comment!

Q. Is it not too premature and too ambitious to Talk of a BJP PM,taking into account an almost NIL presence in the southern states of the country? Asked by: sundar1950in

A. Not at all. The Southern Tail has wagged the North Indian Canine for long in UPA-2. Let the demographics and geography play a proportionate role in democratic politics.

Q. On such issues of leadership, how much of influence the non-political organisation THE RSS has on BJP? Asked by: sundar1950in

A. You may believe or discard the Remote Control Thesis but to my mind the whole issue is exaggerated. Modi isn't a blue eyed boy of RSS nor is the RSS in favour of Sushma Swaraj. If it had its way Advani would have been anointed aeons ago. Do you really believe that RSS is a non political organisation? Ha s culture no politics? Come on!

Q. Even if NDA gets majority will Nitish Kumar will allow Modi to be PM..if and only if NDA - JDU will get majority then only Modi will get to be PM..else Advani see a chance in him to be PM if JDU emerges as key allie. That's why Advani is making noises these days..i think he will continue to make noise till elections. Asked by: Jiva

A. Nitish Kumar may have to worry more about Bihar than India in coming days. Let every one make noises they like. They are hardly likely to make or unmake PMs.

Q. BJP showing party divided to divert Media & opposite party attention? Asked by: Hari

A. The BJP isn't unveiling a diabolical strategy. The poor creature is floundering from one faux pax to another thanks to the Eldest Statesman with un-satiable Ambition not quite at the Helm anymore.

Q. With BJP sweeping Gujarat by polls had Modi announced his candidature even stronger? Asked by: Madhumita

A. No question about this one.

Q. I think not only BJP is a divided house but NDA is also a divided house..both have them will have to keep their house in order before the poll. Asked by: Aswaiyam

A. Why not add Congress and the CPM and SP to this list?

Q. What are the chances of BJP coming to power in 2014? Asked by: Subham

A. Your guess is as good as mine.Much can happen between now and then. One week is a long time in politics.

Q. Will this infight in BJP benefit Congress? Asked by: Laddu

A. Congress is in a worse shape than BJP. Nothing can improve the condition of a terminal patient. At best you can alleviate pain before demise.

Q. Will BHP be able to get close to 200 seats in the next LS polls..I don't think BJP will be able to cross more that 150. Asked by: Lallu

A. You are welcome to your 'guesstimate'. I think it will be closer to 160. Enough to disintegrate the UPA.

Q. Is Advani giving all these statements which is against Modi to sideline Modi and himself become PM? Asked by: Majak

A. If past conduct is any guide-the answer is a resounding YES.

Q. As the LS polls come together, so you think more divide in this BJP house because more ambitious PM candidates will come out? Asked by: Manoj

A. Difficult to answer. One doesn't know who will wilt and who will bloom in scorching heat.

Q. Sir, its a BJP strategy to buy some time to declare PM candidature or checking the support for Modi or really fighting for PM post? Asked by: Hari

A. They don't have to buy any time now. Modi supporters can gloat at Nitish's discomfiture and Congress' distress.

Q. Will Modi be able to win over JD(U)? Asked by: Manas

A. My guess is that he will play hard ball and make them blink first.

Q. Had Advani's prime ministerial ambition is getting stronger..the way he is trying to sideline Modi seems he wants to be PM. Asked by: Rohit

A. Men in advanced old age don't always act rationally and in a manner comprehensible to those younger. Advani is sadly out of step with the youngsters in this slang. Caught in a time warp of hi sown making he tilts at wind mills without any able Sanco Panza.

Q. Apart from Modi and Advani..who else are the PM candidate in BJP? Asked by: Avnish

A. Rajnath, Shiv Rah Singh, Sushma Swaraj.

Q. BJP may have many PM candidate and it may declare or force to do that because of JDU before elcetion but congress will not do that. Will this affect BJP negatively. Asked by: Hari

A. Congress cant hurt BJP any which way. It can only shoot itself in the leg or score self goals as is its wont to benefit BJP.

Q. If Modi declared as PM candidate it may split BJP? People who really against BJP will be sidelined soon? Asked by: Hari

A. BJP like Congress doesn't comprise solely of ideologically committed cadres or leaders. Self interest is a cement that bonds stronger than the stuff produced by Srinivasan. No split in sight. Wishful thinking.

Q. With so many prime minister aspirants in BJP how this divided hose come together? Asked by: prathap

A. Sangh Parivar lives by the values of a Hindu Divided Family! It will continue to do so.

Q. With so many prime minister aspirants in BJP how this divided hose come together? Asked by: prathap

A. Already answered.

Q. United or Divided, does BJP have a choice other than going with Modi? One more thing that baffles is, this is seemingly BJP's best chance, with Congress on a decline in popularity and perception? Are they intent on spoiling their party themselves? Asked by: Narayan

A. The Congress is busy singing its own dirge. BJP for it is a Side Show!

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