Top ministers fail to pursuade Karuna on SL issue
Top ministers fail to pursuade Karuna on SL issue
DMK, however, could consider extending outside support to the government after 3 top ministers failed to satisfy Karunanidhi on the resolution.

New Delhi: Ahead of the vote on a resolution on alleged human rights violations by Sri Lanka in the United Nations Human Rights Council, the DMK has threatened to pull its ministers out of the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance Cabinet and could consider extending outside support to the government after three top ministers failed to satisfy M Karunanidhi with the wording of the resolution.

Congress leaders P Chidambaram, AK Antony and Ghulam Nabi Azad on Monday met M Karunanidhi at his residence in the evening to sort matters out after the latter threatened to pull out his ministers from the UPA Cabinet if his demands on the issues were not met.

Karunanidhi, as well as his political rival, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa, have been demanding amendments to the UN resolution against Sri Lanka. The two parties, the DMK and the AIADMK, have been demanding that India vote in favour of the resolution. They have also demanded introduction of the words 'Eelam' and 'genocide' in the US-sponsored resolution. They have also asked for an international probe into the matter.

The government had hoped that voting against Sri Lanka at the UN Human Rights council in Geneva would be enough, but the DMK chief wants more. Sources now say that the DMK is likely to offer outside support to the UPA. However, they add that the party has not yet decided on pulling out from the government. A decision is likely to be taken after a party meet, they say.

"Genocide must be included. It must be a tougher resolution," Karunanidhi said.

In Delhi, government said India's Representative to the UN in Geneva will be in the national capital on Tuesday for consultations and a call will be taken after studying the final draft of the resolution. "The resolution in its final form will be available late this evening, Geneva time. The Foreign Secretary has also asked our Permanent Representative to the UN Dilip Sinha to come over to Delhi tomorrow," External Affairs Ministry spokesperson told reporters.

But diplomats say the government's domestic compulsions must be balanced with diplomatic commitments. India has traditionally opposed such harsh language and international interference from the UN, and wants to avoid another strain in ties with Colombo.

Karunanidhi had on Sunday said he felt 'let down' by the 'lukewarm' response of the Centre.

One of the amendments the Tamil Nadu parties seek is to "declare that genocide and war crimes had been committed and inflicted on the Eelam Tamils by the Sri Lankan army and the administrators." The second one is "establishment of a credible and independent international commission of investigation in a time bound manner into the allegations of war crimes, crimes against humanity, violations of international human rights law, violations of international humanitarian law and crime of genocide against the Tamils."

The decision will go down to the wire, with India's Geneva ambassador expected to join consultations on Tuesday, before India declares its vote for the resolution on Friday.

The timing of the DMKs threat has made that decision more complex. Although the Congress's key ally has threatened to quit in the past, this time say analysts, with general elections due in 2014, it may have less to lose if it follows through on that threat.

With Additional Inputs From PTI

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