The internet has become a platform for people to showcase their culinary experiments. Our virtual scrolls often lead us to videos that show food being tampered with, in ways that break our hearts. Sometimes it is vendors selling weird items like Sting Maggi and Watermelon popcorn, while at other times, it is the way food is being prepared that leaves us scratching our heads in confusion. The internet population recently came under a similar dilemma when they found out chicken chunks were being roasted on a Ferris Wheel. The video dropped on Instagram on March 1 has grabbed the eyeballs of the masses since then.
The clip opened with the visuals of several cooking grates fixed one after the other resembling a circular structure like a Ferris Wheel. Strapped on the grates were countless chicken chunks that were being slow-cooked over open flames, kept at the bottom. When the object started rotating anti-clockwise, the pieces also got roasted uniformly. As the video progressed, more mini-structures of amusement park rides were visible. One among them was a metallic swing upon which the chicken chunks were kept. They were roasted while the swing swayed to and fro.
The video concluded by depicting another Ferris Wheel-like object, roasting the chicken pieces similarly. “Chicken Fair” read the textual layout in the video. Although the location where the bizarre culinary endeavour was taking place remains a mystery, it seems that the organisers involved wanted to create a fun fusion of cooking and amusement park rides.
The video received mixed reactions from social media users. An eager food enthusiast feeling that he was missing out on trying the exquisitely-prepared dish commented, “How dare you cook something like that, and that too so far from my place? I can’t go there to eat bro.” Another wanted to know whether the entire process was “A cookout or a carnival.” Referring to the game of PUBG, an individual commented, “Winner winner chicken dinner.” A critical user asked, “How is that supposed to cook when it goes in a circle?” while another called the cooking method to be “Ridiculous”.
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