Renault Duster Fails Safety Crash Test, Scores a Disappointing Zero Star Out of Five
Renault Duster Fails Safety Crash Test, Scores a Disappointing Zero Star Out of Five
Renault Duster has scored zero stars out of a five in Global NCAP's crash test.

Renault Duster has scored a disappointing zero star, out of a possible five, in the crash test conducted by Global NCAP in the second set of 2017 Safer Cars For India tests. The crash test was conducted on the base model of the Renault Duster which misses out on airbags.

When it came to rear seat child occupant protection, though, the Renault Duster scored 2 stars out of five.

Following the test of the base Duster variant which doesn’t get airbags, Global NCAP tested a Duster with a single driver airbag which increased the score to 3 stars for adult occupant protection.

Comparing to the previous results of Duster’s single airbag variant which scored 4 stars when tested by Latin NCAP in 2015, it was found that Indian Duster airbag is smaller than the Latin American Duster.

After watching the results, David Ward, Secretary General of Global NCAP said: “It is troubling that during the UN Road Safety Week we yet again encounter a zero star car in our crash testing in India. Renault produces the Duster in a number of markets and yet it seems content to provide a version for India which falls so far short of safety."

“The version of the Duster with an airbag scores three stars, but this too fell short as it was fitted with a smaller airbag. A model with a correctly sized airbag should be provided as standard," he added.

Disappointed with the results Rohit Baluja, President of the Institute of Road Traffic Education said: “The maximum speed limit for passenger cars in India has been notified as high as 100 km/h. Highways in India are witnessing very high speeds of Light Motor Vehicles (LMV) and therefore it is of utmost importance that our new generation cars are built to the highest safety standards."

“Renault must make the Duster with an airbag as standard, as they do in other parts of the world. Indian consumers should no longer be subject to second class status on occupant protection from global manufacturers who achieve high levels of safety in other markets. The Prime Minister’s call for ‘Made in India’ should be well respected by car manufacturers to demonstrate that the Indian cars are as safe as the best produced in the developed world," added Rohit Baluja.

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