Top 5 Reasons Why Tesla Is Leading the Green Revolution With its Electric Vehicles: Explained
Top 5 Reasons Why Tesla Is Leading the Green Revolution With its Electric Vehicles: Explained
Tesla has clearly done an Usain Bolt in the race to build the greenest and most fun-to-drive electric vehicles all thanks to the vision and persistent efforts of Elon Musk.

Guess who has been making the headlines lately in the global auto industry? No points for guessing, it’s Elon Musk and this time for rather infamous reasons. First it was the slew of autopilot crashes by Tesla cars and then the company’s latest tussle with crypto currency. But every time Tesla makes it to the news, we Indians only think of one thing – When will it make its grand entrance in India. However, instead of talking about the company’s India entry, which, of course will happen in due course, today we are here to refresh our memories on what Makes Tesla so special brand.

You see, Tesla has clearly done an Usain Bolt in the race to build the greenest and most fun-to-drive electric vehicles all thanks to the vision and persistent efforts of Elon Musk. However, to keep their brand rolling, they are offering new and exciting products, which are touted as some of the most technologically advanced vehicles on the road today. So without any more delay, let’s discuss the reasons for Tesla’s success –

Product Portfolio

The most important and long lasting impact a brand can make in the market is through its product offering as revenue is generated from one and one thing only – the actual physical product. In case of Tesla, they are offering a 100% full electric portfolio, unlike any other brand globally and that too with a diversified product mix. On one hand you have the range topping products like the Model S and Model X and on the other hand you have affordable Model 3 and Model Y.

Now we will argue about their affordability some other day. Tesla is also working to offer some exciting and path breaking products like the Roadster and Cybertruck, which, surprisingly, has received more than a million bookings even before the actual product hits the road. Who knows what else Elon Musk has in the store, considering he is planning to reach the Mars soon.


Now for an electric vehicle to succeed, they have to surpass a hurdle stopping EVs to conquer the world and it’s called range anxiety. To put it simply, unlike petrol or diesel powered cars which can reach any fuel pump in case of low fuel, EVs are still facing a battery charging issue as the EV chargers are not that widespread and the charging is slow as compared to refilling tank.

For this purpose, it’s of utmost importance that automakers add as much juice in the battery as possible. Case in point, Tesla Model X offers 630 km battery range while the affordable Model Y has 524 km range. Now these are some of the best figures globally.

Autonomous Technology

In our opening we mentioned how Tesla cars are infamous for autopilot crashes across the US. Bluntly put, it’s the driver who’s at the fault every time any such incident occurs. An autopilot or autonomous technology is being designed to assist the human driver in case of emergency, and that Tesla cars have proven time and again. Tesla has achieved Level 2 autonomy in all its vehicles and will soon replace radar based systems with camera technology.

However, like every technology has its demerits, autopilot is also turning out to be a fun game for many driving Tesla car owners. Despite warning from the maker, and in general understanding of Autopilot, they leave it unattended for more than desired duration, causing accidents.


Tesla cars are not that affordable to own and battery range only can’t be a saving grace. What makes Tesla cars so cool is the also the fact that they are being offered with some of the most technologically advanced features one can ever get in a car. Right from a massively massive touchscreen infotainment screens as large as 17 inch that also doubles up as a command centre to integrated wireless gaming when you are stuck in LA traffic, Tesla cars offer everything one can think of.

Apart from these, the Tesla Model X also gets a celebratory mode, which is a tad difficult to explain and I will let the video do the talking. And as far as features like panoramic sunroof, wireless charging and more are concerned, let’s not even go there.


Lastly, the performance. There’s a large segment of naysayers who brush aside electric cars saying they are not fun to drive and they take away the mechanical fun of driving a vehicle. Honestly, they are not completely wrong. Electric cars are silent and they don’t have gearboxes. But then, they cant be called slow. In fact, makers like Tesla have proven time and again EVs are much faster and quicker thanks to instant torque.

Model S can do 0-100 kmph in under 2 seconds, that can put any supercar to shame and has a top speed of more than 300 kmph. Not just that Tesla is working on a SpaceX package for the Roadster, that can push the car from 0 to 100 kmph in just 1.1 seconds. If that’s not phenomenal, what else can be?

So there you have it, our Top 5 reasons why Tesla Cars are so special and no Elon Musk is not the only reason…

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