Writer-actor-director DJ Chakravarthy Chandrachud directed Paadaraya with Nagashekhar as the male lead but the film hit troubled waters even before its release. Initially, as stated in the reports, producer Jack Manju was associated with this film but he rubbished these reports. After him, lead actor Nagashekhar decided to produce the film but now reportedly, he has also backed out.
In a conversation with News18 Kannada Digital, Chandrachud said that some of the key decisions related to this film were taken without informing him. Chandrachud told the portal that as far as he was aware, no one related to the film was paid in advance. But now, he is deeply saddened after knowing that many decisions related to the remunerations of cast and crew have been taken without him being kept in the loop. Chandrachud has now decided to start his film afresh with a new producer and a completely fresh team. As of now, he is meeting with the other production companies and has not revealed the name with whom he wishes to be associated.
This turn of events in this film must have shocked many cine buffs and brought to light the most talked about issue in the entertainment industry. Who should have more authority over a film? A producer or director? Reportedly, there have been many such instances where the producers try to intervene in the key decisions related to the film. The incident with Chandrachud has also joined this list.
For those who don’t know about Paadaraya, this film is based on a real-life incident which took place near Anjanadri Hill, close to Hampi. Chakravarthy, who returns to direction after a long time, told Times of India, “Since the theme is inspired by a true love story, we have done a lot of research. The story begins from Anjanadri and traverses into Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and as far as Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh. We have portions in Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Thailand too, taking the film to a pan-India level. We plan to shoot in real locations.”
In this interview, Chakravarthy also appreciated Nagashekhar’s acting capabilities. However, social media users will look forward to seeing whether, due to the decision of working with a new team, Chandrachud will work with Nagashekhar or not.
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