5 Ways You Can Save a Chunk of Your Pocket Money
5 Ways You Can Save a Chunk of Your Pocket Money
Here are 5 ways that’ll help you not only save a chunk of your pocket money besides making it last slightly longer than usual

Most of us get our pocket money once a month usually at the beginning but by the time we are halfway we just don’t know where all the money went and we just drag whatever is left of it till the end of the month. So here are 5 ways that’ll help you not only save a chunk of your pocket money besides making it last slightly longer than usual:

1. Don't Run After Brands

Nowadays people run after brands, be it technology, or clothes. Despite a Samsung phone performing the same functions, why do you need an iPhone? Branded products are expensively priced and at times do not last as long as unbranded products. Catering to your needs is one thing but catering to unnecessary luxuries is different altogether. The amount of money spent on branded products could very well be utilized on other necessities or better still could be saved. If you still wish to wear branded clothes or carry branded accessories, it’s good to wait for EOSS (End of Season Sales) to buy your favorite brand.

2. Concessions and Discounts for Students

Usually services like mobile billing plans, in home wifi, canteens/cafes, public transport, etc. provide students with specific plans which offer a concessional rate, so in case you are a student and using any of these services you shouldn’t hold back, just show them your student ID card and ask for a discount.

3. Sharing is Caring

In case you’re living in another city than your parents and are putting up in a rented accommodation, you could opt for a shared accommodation be it sharing a room or a flat. In addition to this, while commuting, in case you use cab services you could choose the share ride option rather than getting a personal cab.

4. Stick to Home-Made Food

Eating Out once in a while is all right but eating out all the time at the nearby food joint is an unhealthy habit both health wise as well as financially as you just end up splurging your money, so instead you could either eat at your office/college canteen or it’ll be even better if you could cook and carry your own meals from home. This will not only save your money but also keep you healthy and learn how to manage your time efficiently.

5. Emergency Fund

In case you are someone who has a proper budget in place, you must keep some money aside for emergency at least 10% of it as the margin of safety amount. This amount could come in handy in case of any emergency or extra expenses.

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