The Madhya Pradesh Employees Selection Board (MPESB) has released the MP forest guard recruitment written exam results. Candidates who took the MP guard recruitment exam 2023 can check their results on the official website, esb.mp.gov.in. The recruitment campaign seeks to fill a total of 2,112 posts. The joint recruiting examination was held for the positions of forest guard, field guard, jail guard and assistant jail superintendent.
Forest Guards (Van Rakshak)- 1772 posts
Field Guards (Kshetra Rakshak)- 140 posts
Jail Praharis- 200 posts
Step 1: Go to the official website: esb.mp.gov.in.
Step 2: On the homepage, click on the link that says “First phase result – Van Rakshak and Kshetra Rakshak (Karyapalik) (Van Vibhag), Jail Prahari (Karyapalik) (Jail Vibhag) combined recruitment test- 2023.”
Step 3: A new page will appear on your screen.
Step 4: Enter the login information and submit. The MP Forest Guard Result 2023 will appear on the screen.
Step 5: Check and download the results.
Step 6: Take a printout of the results for future reference.
The MP Forest Guard Recruitment Exam was held between May 25 and June 20. The recruitment procedure consists of five rounds: written examination, Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Physical Standard Test (PST), document verification, and medical examination.
The following tests in the recruitment process assess candidates based on specific physical characteristics to ensure they satisfy the needed physical standards for the position. They intend to check the height, weight, and chest measurements of the candidates along with their physical fitness and endurance.
Post-exam, candidates could obtain their response sheet and tentative answer key from the official website, esb.mp.gov.in. The deadline to file complaints concerning the released answer key was June 26. Candidates could file objections using the portal and they had to pay a fee of Rs 50 per question. The final answer key was generated after considering the concerns and the results were calculated using the final answer key.
Meanwhile, the Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) has taken in applications for the State Service Examination and the State Forest Service Examination 2024. This initiative has 74 vacancies, with 60 for the State Service Examination (SSE) and 14 for the State Forest Service Examination (SFS).
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