Austin Abrams will be seen sharing the screen with Brad Pitt and George Clooney in Wolfs. The Apple+ film is set to release this weekend in India. Ahead of the film’s release, the actor sat down for a candid chat with News18 Showsha and revealed that he had a ball shooting for the film with Brad and George. The actor, who shot to fame with the character Ethan — Kat’s boyfriend and the lead of Lexi’s play – also shared that Brad Pitt discussed the show with him while filming the action-comedy.
“I can’t exactly remember hearing from George about it but I definitely heard from Brad about it. It seemed like he watched the show and really liked it, and was sweet about it,” Austin Abrams told News18 Showsha exclusively, reiterating, “I do remember that Brad had watched the show.”
Austin plays a pivotal role in Wolfs. His role in the catalyst that brings Brad and George together. While we won’t spoil the film for you, there is one scene in which Austin will be seen running in his underwear in the film. By the looks of it, the scene has been shot in the cold temperatures of New York. Admitting that it was a challenging scene to do, Austin said he knew he was ready to do whatever it takes for the film.
“We shot that scene for a long time, a lot longer than I thought we were shooting. We shot it for a month or something. I think it is three pages in the script but I hadn’t fully understood how long action takes to shoot. That’s because I have not done too much action. To be running in New York in my underwear, it was a little uncomfortable but a part of the deal. Mentally, by that point, I just knew that I was ready to do whatever I needed to do for this movie. So, having that purpose behind it, made it a lot easier. Even though it had its challenges, it had purpose and meaning to it. It’s not like I was going and running in my underwear for no reason. With that purpose, it made it a lot easier,” he shared.
There is a slow-motion scene in which George accidentally hits him. The scene plays out in slow motion in the film. Speaking about it, Austin said that scene alone took a couple of days to shoot. “There was an acrobatics for a little and it was [shot] over a period of two days,” he added.
Austin had previously revealed that he felt intimidated by Brad and George on the first day of the shoot. However, once the ball started rolling, the trio had a memorable time together — so much so that they played pranks on each other as well. Talking about one such prank, Austin shared that on the first day, three chairs were placed for the trio in the green room: two tall chairs for Brad and George, and a short chair for Austin. While it initially seemed like an accident, as the shoot progressed, it became a running joke in the green room, with the heights of the chairs for Brad and George only increasing.
“On the first day, I remember, one of the production members had put chairs for us to sit on with the names of the cast. It just happened they put two big, tall chairs for Brad and George, and I happened to get, like, a tiny chair. We all laughed about it.”
A couple of weeks later, they found themselves in another hilarious moment when they shifted green rooms. The actor recalled the green room was massive, a ball room of sorts, which could accommodate big chairs. “The production team found two really regal looking chairs. They must have been like 10 feet tall, they were ridiculous! They taped Brad and George’s names on it and placed it together. And in the middle, they put this little chair for me, that was really funny. Brad has a photo of it somewhere,” he shared with a laugh.
Wolfs is set to release on September 27 on Apple+.
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