As the name suggests it is a Diabetes related disease which affects or damages the retina- a part of the eye which directly controls the vision. Medically speaking this is a condition which arises when Diabetes remains uncontrolled.
Uncontrolled Diabetes leads to damage of blood vessels supplying blood to Retina leading to creation of new blood vessels which are also weak .The bleeding from these vessels leads to blockage of the vision. At times fuid accumulation in retina due to leakage from blood vessels causes reduced vision. It is estimated that one in fifteen Diabetic patients is at risk of developing this condition. This serious eye disease has been categorised depending on severity into Mild/moderate/severe non proliferate diabetic retinopathy( NPDR) or Proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). Diabetic macular edema (DME)- this is where the damaged blood vessels leak causing accumulation of liquid into the macula( a part of retina directly responsible for vision).
Vitreous haemorrhage ( bleeding inside the eye) can happen due to formation of abnormal blood vessels in retina. Another condition is Neovascular glaucoma in which the new blood vessels which have sprung up along the brown part of our eye (iris) blocks the normal egress of aqueous from eye causing increased pressures in eye. It is a form of Glaucoma. One of the serious condition is Tractional Retinal Detachment. In this condition, fibrovascular tissue pulls the retina and causes detachment of retina , which need immediate surgical intervention.
Despite the grave risk Diabetes poses to the eyes, yet there is very little awareness on the condition.
Actually the worst part of this disease is that it hardly ever gives you a hint. It strikes but it strikes silently . Nothing major happens to your vision till the patient is hit with it.However if there are certain symptoms which a Diabetic observes, he or she should take it as an alarm bell. Symptoms like blurry vision, distortion in vision, dark floating spots or any hindrance of visionvision should be taken seriously and one should consult a specialist immediately.
If one were to identify the cause- it is uncontrolled Diabetes. Diabetes just does not damage your heart and kidneys only but has an even more severe impact on eyes.The damage does not happen overnight but regular eye examination-twice in a year of a Diabetic patient is a must as only a specialist can detect the damage before hand.
The treatment needs to be divided in two parts-one is prevention and the other is when the person has been affected by the condition. Prevention has two parts- one is controlling the Diabetes and second is regular examination with a specialist.If the Diabetes is controlled, the probability of this condition developing is very low. Regular eye examination by a specialist can help in detecting the condition earlier and preventing the worsening of the situation.
As regards the treatment there are lasers , injections,surgery which can help in managing the deterioration. The best guide is your treating Doctor.
Remember as always, prevention is the best cure.
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