Vro Meaning
Vro stands for Very Rare Only and is used in place of bro. The term was popularized by late rapper, XXXTentacion, in 2017. When it first got popular, vro was unironically used to identify fellow XXXTentacion and Ski Mask The Slump God listeners. In late 2023, it became an ironic term on TikTok. Users usually use the term in comments, stylized as “???????????????????? ???????????? ❤️,” to ironically greet other users. The term is also used in memes, with photos of cute animals or regular people being captioned “Hello Vro” with a heart.
VRO also stands for Value Realization Office, which refers to a key office in business. A Value Realization Office oversees Value Realization, which is the ability to measure how people and projects directly impact large business objectives, specifically objectives that are executive-level. VROs help identify what works well where, and lay the groundwork to suggest changes to better reach company goals.
How to Use Vro
Use vro to ironically refer to a friend you care about. While it is a term of endearment, vro’s age and TikTok virality have caused it to be a term that is best used ironically. Using it regularly runs the risk of people looking at you like an XXXTentacion super-fan. To get a laugh out of your friend or annoy them with an unserious greeting, text them “good morning vro” with a heart. Make sure to include the heart so they know you’re being ironic. Be careful when using this term with people that you don’t know. Even if you use it ironically, people may think that you’re unfunny.
Related Terms
Broski Broski is a slang term used to casually refer to a friend or fellow person. It is a variation of the word brother and is a more relaxed way of saying bro. It isn’t as popular as bro, but the two terms are used interchangeably. You can use broski in place of dude, as well. It can also be spelled as broskie or brosky.
Fam Fam is short for family. It is used to refer to family, friends, and other close people in your life. The term gained popularity in 1990, often being used in hip-hop. It was initially only used to refer to your family, but as time has gone on, it has been used to refer to individuals or multiple people. To avoid the potential embarrassment of using the word vro, use fam to refer to your friends.
Bookie Bookie has had various meanings over time, but on TikTok, it is used as a term of love and endearment. It is often used in place of boo, sweety, or baby and serves as a cute pet name for someone you like. If a girl uses the word bookie, she definitely likes you. She might also call you “bookie pookie,” “pookie,” or “pooh bear” if she likes you.
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