Plant-based protein is a dietary protein derived from plant sources. It includes pulses, tofu, soya, tempeh, nuts, seeds certain grains and peas. Plant proteins are highly nutritious, not only because they are good sources of proteins but also because they provide other nutrients such as fibres, vitamins and minerals. They are enriched with more phytonutrients that have a significant role in quicker muscle repair and recovery along with muscle building. They also cause less hunger and aid in increased weight loss.
“Soy, wheat and peas are the most common sources of plant protein. Plant protein is best recommended for those who follow a vegetarian diet or are lactose intolerant. At least 14% of the total calories of every plant is protein-consuming plant waste protein, which can be just as effective as animal waste proteins for building muscle. It is for everyone, right from fitness enthusiasts to athletes, and the average person,” says Dr Himay Sharma, Fitness Expert, Fast&Up.
Plant proteins also assist in reducing the risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and cancer with their anti-inflammatory properties. “Plant proteins in contrast to animal proteins are more in their saturated fat content, making them the better choice for sustaining heart health. The recommendation is around 36g/day for a male and 52g/day for a female,” adds Dr Sharma.
Hence, resistance to weight loss with the consumption of the right choice of plant protein will lead to a good level of hypertrophy of muscles with their repair and also contribute largely to one’s overall health.
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