Getting the Ghoul Race
Be level 1000. You can easily grind to get to that level.
Get the requirements. You need 100 Ectoplasm and 1 Hellfire Torch. Grind NPCs in the Cursed Ship, Haunted Shipwreck, and the Cursed Captain for chances of getting Ectoplasm. Defeat the Cursed Captain for a chance of getting a Hellfire Torch. He spawns once every three nights. The drop rate for this item is really low, so this might take you a while to obtain, especially since hopping servers does not mean he will spawn more than once every three days.
Talk to the Experimic NPC. He's inside the kitchen in the Cursed Ship. When you talk to this NPC, you can buy the Ghoul race in exchange for those items! V1 isn't that great, but level it, and the benefits increase!
Getting V2
Complete the Colosseum Quest. If you're level 1000 and have already opened the Third Sea, you've already completed this quest. It's very easy if you haven't done it yet.
Complete the Alchemist Quest. He will ask you to fetch 3 flowers: The Blue flower only spawns at night in a few locations: in a secret room on Cave Island. below a tree facing the Graveyard closest to the islands with vampires. on a grave on the left side of the Graveyard. behind the house on the left on Usoap Island. on the ground in Usoap Island. The Red flower spawns during the day in these locations: next to a red building, to the right of the stairs, within the first area of Kingdom of Rose. on the left bush near Swan Mansion. the Green Zone behind Marine Lieutenant. behind a brown rock near Fajita in Green Zone. on the plateau near Factory, the closest one to the bridge. The Yellow Flower drops from any NPC. Grind the Swan Pirates because they have low health, do low damage, and are close together.
Talk to the Alchemist once you have all the flowers. He's back in the Green Zone.
Purchase the upgrade. You need $500,000 to continue. Your race effects will increase to include life leech.
Getting V3
Talk to Arowe. He's in the Second Sea in a hidden room under Diamond's Hill.
Complete Arowe's quest. You need to collect $2,000,000, defeat Don Swan, be level 1000, and have Ghoul v2 unlocked. In addition to those requirements, you need to defeat 5 enemy players. You can kill another player 5 times, or you can kill 5 different players. If you can, ask friends to help you get 5 enemy player kills. Their levels don't matter either, but you have to defeat them within the Second Sea. If you log out and log back in, go pick up the quest from Arowe again.
Purchase the upgrade. Talk to Arowe once you've completed all the quest requirements and you'll get v3. Your damage, speed, and defense are improved and you can use skills that are on 40% cooldown.
Getting V4
Have the Mirror Fractal. It drops from the Dough King Boss.
Complete the Sealed King quest. You'll need this quest to be able to upgrade your Ghoul race to v4.
Unlock the Temple of Time. At the top of the Great Tree is an invisible NPC. Talk to him and select Use it. You'll be teleported to the temple.
Find a Mirage Island and get a Blue gear. You'll want to find a Mirage Island at night in order to get the item you need. Once you find the Island and have a Mirror Fractal, go to the highest point, activate your race skill, and stare at the moon (in first-person) for about 10-15 seconds. Once you see a message that "Your mirror has resonated with the moon," find the blue gear and run over it to pick it up.
Pull the lever in Temple of Time. When you first enter the temple, the lever is on the right near the ceiling. Pulling it will open a secret door in that hallway. There are multiple doors for each race in this hallway.
Wait for a full moon. You need a full moon to continue to your Ghoul trail.
Enter the Ghoul trail door. It's next to a flag that represents your race. Spam your race abilities at the door simultaneously until it opens.
Defeat all the enemies in the room within a minute. For the Ghoul trial, which is different for each race, you'll need to kill the waves of zombies and vampires within 60 seconds. If you die, you can restart the trial, but you need to wait for another full moon. You can use fruits and skills to help you survive this trial. When you're the last player standing, you will unlock the v4 of your race. Repeat the trials to fully unlock the Ghoul race.
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