ENTP Relationships: A Full Compatibility Breakdown
ENTP Relationships: A Full Compatibility Breakdown
Spontaneous. Charming. Practical. These are just a few of the traits that an ENTP brings to the table in a relationship—but what does that mean when it comes to romantic compatibility? We’re here to answer all your questions. Read on to get a closer look at which personality types ENTP matches up super well with, as well as the pairings that might require a little more effort and dedication. We’ll even take a look at ENTP’s strengths, weaknesses, and prospects as a friend and parent, so you can have the full picture of what it’s like to love (or love as) an ENTP.
Things You Should Know
  • ENTP is most compatible with the INTJ and INFJ personality types.
  • ENTP can develop a solid connection with many other personality types, like INFP, ENFP, ENFJ, ENTJ, and INTP.
  • ENTP might find relationships with types like ISFJ, ESFJ, ESTJ, and ISFP to be the most challenging.

ENTP at a Glance

ENTP characteristicsBold, bright, and confident, ENTP isn’t afraid to share what’s on their mind and discuss the issues that are closest to their heart. Equal parts logical and innovative, ENTP is a visionary in many ways—they’re comfortable examining the world around them in a theoretical light, and seeing how everything fits together in the grand scheme of things. According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), ENTP stands for Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Perceiving. Key traits: Rational, dynamic, creative, smart, candid

ENTP communication styleENTP communicates in a very straightforward way, and doesn’t delay in getting to the point. It’s no wonder that some MBTI tests call ENTP “The Debater”—the personality type loves diving into new discussions and debates, and loves getting an opportunity to back up their thoughts with facts and rational thinking.

ENTP Best Matches

INTJ Communication comes naturally to an INTJ, and they don’t have trouble articulating what’s on their mind—just like ENTP! Also like ENTP, INTJ approaches most situations with a problem-solving attitude, which is great for a long-term relationship. With this mutual sense of honesty and transparency, it’s easy to imagine how an ENTP-INTJ relationship could go swimmingly. Tip: Take time to have meaningful conversations with one another, whether you’re in the car or enjoying a meal together. Chances are, you both have plenty of interesting, intellectually-charged thoughts to contribute to the conversation!

INFJ ENTP and INFJ both appreciate the importance of a deep, stimulating conversation, whether you’re discussing GMOs or UFOs. Plus, both of these personality types balance each other out incredibly well—ENTP can learn from INFJ’s more feelings-based approach to life, while INFJ can learn from ENTP’s logical tendencies. Tip: Create time throughout the week when you both can talk about anything and everything under the sun. These engaging conversations could take place at mealtime, or you might spend a weekend date night having a heart-to-heart.

ENTP Solid Matches

INFP INFP and ENTP are tuned into the same wavelength. Both appreciate a healthy sense of independence in their relationships, and both are committed to growing and improving as people. Their main differences manifest in the way they communicate—ENTP loves to turn conversations into debates, which INFP doesn’t really vibe with. Tip: Try something new that neither of you has ever done before, like screen printing, palm reading, or going ice skating. You’ll have a great time learning something new about the world (and each other).

ENFP On the surface, ENFP and ENTP have some key differences—ENTP loves dynamic, debate-style conversations, while ENFP does not. Still, it’s nothing that a little compromise and intentional communication can’t fix. At the end of the day, both personality types are comfortable looking at the world around them in a more abstract and theoretical way, and both are comfortable approaching problems in really unique ways. Tip: Participate in activities that you both enjoy! Going out and doing fun things with your partner is an easy way to make fun and meaningful memories together, whether you’re taking a nature hike, designing your own board game, or planning a picnic.

ENFJ ENFJ and ENTP are two shining stars in the night sky. Both carry a natural charm and warmth that draws other people in—including each other! Between ENTP’s humorous free spirit and ENFJ’s caring, supportive attitude, this duo can easily forge a long-lasting relationship together. Tip: Play off each other’s energy. As free-spirited as they come, ENFJ and ENTP have no trouble coming up with things to do. Lean on each other’s spontaneity and daring spirit to create unforgettable memories together, like taking a day trip or seeing a concert together.

ENTJ ENTJ and ENTP most definitely pass each other’s vibe checks. Both are filled with a curious and independent spirit, and both have a deep desire to learn more about the world around them. If these two can take the plunge and commit to an emotionally intimate relationship, there’s no telling how far the relationship can go. Tip: Feed into each other’s free spirits. You both love adventures, so why not go on one together? Give a thrill-seeking activity like zip-lining a try, or try embark on an impromptu geocaching trip as a way to bond and get closer.

INTP It’s no surprise that ENTP and INTP have a lot in common. Both deeply appreciate the importance of learning new things, and both love to explore new ideas. Believe it or not, though, the key to a successful relationship between these two comes in appreciating what each personality type brings to the table, like INTP’s rationality and ENTP’s curiosity. Tip: Practice healthy habits in your daily conversations ENTP loves to be in the center of the conversation, while INTP prefers to hang back—and that’s okay! INTP can practice being a good listener, while ENTP can make intentional efforts to give INTP more chances to speak.

ENTP With their free thinking and innovative spirits, ENTP definitely has a lot of common ground with INTP that could fare well in a romantic relationship. Their mutual thirst for knowledge, desire for independence, and open-minded perspectives are just a few reasons why ENTP could plant roots and settle in a long-term partnership. Plus, a spontaneous ENTP duo is sure to support one another’s whims. Tip: Whether you’re on the couch, in the car, or on the phone together, give each other the freedom to think outside of the box and share whatever’s on each other’s minds. Whenever you chat, remind one another that nothing is “out of bounds,” and that you’re both welcome to discuss whatever you’d like.

ISTP While ISTP and ENTP certainly don’t see eye-to-eye on everything, there are plenty of important qualities that both of these dynamic personalities do have in common. For instance, these independent spirits won’t have any trouble establishing (and following) boundaries in their relationship, as well as taking time for themselves. Tip: There’s no denying that both ENTP and ISTP love an intellectual challenge—so why not tackle one together? Spend some quality time together working through a logic puzzle, playing Chess, or playing Mastermind together.

ESFP Both ESFP and ENTP have such a unique zest for life that’s only magnified when they join forces in a relationship. The magnetic ENTP has no trouble drawing ESFP in their orbit, while the friendly ESFP has no trouble showering the ENTP with love and making them feel appreciated. Tip: Keep your communication skills in tip-top shape by practicing good conversational habits, like repeating what your partner says for clarification and asking follow-up questions.

ISTJ ENTP and ISTJ often resemble two sides of the same coin. Although they bring different types of life experiences to the table, these unique perspectives offer plenty of opportunities for mutual growth and understanding in a relationship. With an open mind and a willingness to grow, there’s no telling what heights this relationship could reach. Tip: Make a targeted effort to meet each other in the middle. ISTJ could push their routine-driven limits by going on a random outing with ENTP, while ENTP could agree to a little more structure within the week, like a set dinner time.

ENTP Challenging Matches

ISFJ ENTP and ISFJ are total opposites when it comes to the MBTI spectrum—but those differences might be what kickstart this unique relationship in the first place. Still, there’s no denying that the bold, spontaneous tendencies of an ENTP don’t always mesh well with the sensitive, routine-driven needs of an ISFJ. Tip: Step out of your comfort zone. ENTP can offer the ISFJ some stability by creating a set time each week when they can spend quality time together. ISFJ, on the other hand, can make the occasional effort to join ENTP on their random adventures, like visiting a museum or taking a trip to the city.

ESFJ An ESFJ and ENTP relationship is all about understanding and appreciating the differences between the two. While ENTPs typically approach life with a sense of inquisitive spontaneity, ESFJs typically place a lot of value on tradition and routine. It’s definitely possible to find some common ground in this type of relationship, but it requires both intention and effort. Tip: Practice empathy. Empathy is all about taking time to view, understand, and relate to the world from someone else’s perspective, which is invaluable when it comes to the differing perspectives that an ESFJ and ENTP will often have.

ESTJ ESTJs and ENTPs have an opportunity to share a lot of mutual admiration. ESTJ may look up to ENTP for their sense of humor and charisma; meanwhile, ENTP may appreciate ESTJ’s efficient, no-nonsense approach to getting things done. The key is finding a middle ground where all of these unique differences can be appreciated rather than misunderstood. Tip: Appreciate and respect the special traits that you and your partner bring to the table. ESTJ might admire ENTP’s theoretical way of processing information and making decisions, while ENTP might really like the thorough approach ESTJ takes to understand and evaluate new info.

ISFP There’s no denying that ISFP and ENTP have different ways of seeing and interacting with the world. Still, both personality signs have an important trait in common: their innate sense of perception (represented by the “P” in each MBTI type). Leaning on this sense of mutual adaptability can be a potentially strong foundation for a future partnership. Tip: Look for activities that you both enjoy. ENTP and ISFP both thrive in environments that demand flexibility—so why not use that as a starting point? Go on a day trip with no set destination in mind, or head to an arcade where there are dozens of activities to choose from.

ESTP ENTP and ESTP both love taking a deep dive into what’s around them and seeing all of the different possibilities that the world has to offer. However, ENTP tends to view life from a more abstract and theoretical angle, while ESTP focuses on life in the here and now. A little compromise and intentional communication can go a long way in helping this pair hit their stride. Tip: Focus on what you have in common, whether that’s cooking, going for bike rides, or watching ghost documentaries. You can still enjoy the world together, even if you engage with it in different ways!

ENTP Strengths & Weaknesses in Relationships

Strength: They’re willing to learn and grow. Although ENTP can be argumentative, they also embrace opportunities for self-improvement. They want to know how they can be the best version of themselves, and will consistently take steps to better both themselves and their long-term relationships.

Strength: They aren’t afraid to live in the moment. Adventurous and free-spirited to a fault, there’s never a dull moment as long as an ENTP is around. From trying out new cuisines to planning an impromptu camping trip, ENTP has no problem living each day to the fullest.

Strength: They love to engage in really deep conversations. As far as long-term relationships go, ENTP prioritizes communication. They aren’t afraid to dig deep, and are especially stimulated by people who are willing to go the conversational distance with them. No topic is too strange or far-reaching for an ENTP!

Weakness: They can get argumentative fairly easily. ENTPs have “The Debater” moniker for a reason—they love a friendly argument or charged conversation! This may, however, be frustrating for an ENTP’s partner to deal with, especially if simple and ordinary conversations are constantly being turned into debates. Tip: Try to read the room before taking a conversation in a more theoretical, argumentative direction. While some people might enjoy impromptu debates, others might find them exhausting.

Weakness: They aren’t always the best with money. ENTP loves to dream big, and aren’t afraid to look before they leap. Unfortunately, this approach doesn’t always bode well when it comes to financial matters. ENTP might be allured to risky financial prospects, or just might not be good at following a household budget. Tip: Set a household budget with your partner, and ask your partner to help keep tabs on your spending.

Weakness: They aren’t the best at mincing words. When you’re dating an ENTP, you’ll never wonder where they stand on a certain topic or issue. Sometimes, though, ENTP can be a bit too candid with their thoughts, and may not always consider the other person’s feelings before they speak. Tip: Try to hedge your words before you share a strong thought or opinion—that way, it’ll be easier to gauge how everyone else feels about the topic.

ENTP as a Friend

ENTP loves to strike up debates and discussions with their friends. In an ENTP’s eyes, a true friend is someone who can hold their own and assert their own thoughts and opinions in a debate-like setting. While they’re getting to know someone, ENTP is more than happy to get a discussion going to see how their potential friend responds. Tip: Don’t use debates and discussions as the sole means of determining your future friendships. There are plenty of lovely individuals out there who might not be all that invested in friendly debates.

ENTP prefers to give logical advice rather than emotional support. A true thinker and analyst at heart, ENTP often views their friends’ trouble as problems to be solved, rather than as an opportunity to provide solace and comfort. Tip: Practicing empathy can go a long way, even if it’s not the default move in your playbook. Try to put yourself in a friend’s position and validate how they’re feeling rather than immediately looking for a solution to their problem.

ENTP as a Parent

ENTP parents are supportive and love to make memories with their kids. Think of ENTP parents as the type of people who take their kids on spontaneous trips to the beach, or who transform their backyard into a refreshing wonderland with hoses and sprinklers. Ultimately, they want to create as many inspiring and meaningful memories with their children as possible.

ENTP takes a more rational approach to parenting. Few personality types appreciate independence as much as ENTP. From a young age, an ENTP parent will likely focus on the importance of education, as well as the importance of thinking for yourself. Above all, ENTP parents want to make sure that their child has plenty of chances to learn, grow, and embrace their potential.

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