How to Build Up T‐Cells in Your Body
How to Build Up T‐Cells in Your Body
If you'd like to improve your immune system, work on increasing the number of t-cells in your body. T-cells are a type of lymphocyte that will attack cells that are infected with a virus. To improve your t-cell count and responsiveness, eat a healthy diet full of fresh produce and lean protein. If you're concerned your diet isn't balanced, take supplements that have been shown to improve the immune system.

Adjusting Your Diet

Eat fruits and vegetables high in folic acid, vitamin B6, and thiamin. These vitamins and minerals can increase the number of t-cells in your body so try to include them in your daily diet. One of the best ways to get these nutrients is to eat a varied diet that includes fresh fruit and vegetables. Good sources of these nutrients include: Leafy greens Cauliflower and broccoli Squash Carrots Tomatoes Strawberries

Include protein and healthy fats in your diet. Your immune system needs protein to create t-cells so it's important to eat foods that are rich in protein. Look for 3 to 4 ounce portions of lean meat or protein. You can eat skinless chicken, fish, eggs, lentils, beans, and soy. Avoid eating saturated fats such as red meats, fried meats, or chicken with the skin.

Drink at least 1 cup of green tea every day. Research shows that green tea contains polyphenols that actually increase the number of t-cells in your body. Try to sip green tea hot or cold throughout the day to get these polyphenols. If you dislike the taste of green tea, mix in a little lemon or honey.

Eat fresh or dried papaya. Papaya is high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Studies have also shown that fresh papaya, dried papaya, and papaya seeds increase t-cells so add it to your diet. If you're tired of the flavor of papaya, look for papaya supplements at natural health food stores. Follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding dosages.

Include garlic in your diet. Researchers believe that garlic contains compounds that can increase the number of t-cells and improve their responsiveness. Try to use fresh garlic in your meals instead of seasoned garlic which often includes salt. You can also look for pure dried and powdered garlic at most health food stores.

Eat an anti-inflammatory diet. You can decrease inflammation in your body by choosing foods that reduce inflammation. Since your body must fight inflammation, decreasing it through better nutrition supports your immune system. Choose leafy green vegetables, colorful vegetables, and fruit. You can eat fruits and vegetables either fresh or frozen. Eat beans and legumes. Choose fatty fish high in Omega-3 fats, such as salmon, tuna, flounder, sardines, or anchovies. Drink herbal teas.

Avoid foods that cause inflammation. Inflammation takes a toll on your body and your immune system. This puts you at risk for illness and disease. Luckily, it's easy to eliminate the foods that commonly cause inflammation, such as: Processed carbohydrates Fried foods Soda Sweetened drinks Red meat Processed meat Margarine Shortening Lard

Eat probiotics to boost your gut health. Although they aren't a cure all, probiotics can help your digestion. They may also improve your gut health, depending on which ones you consume. You can find probiotics in yogurt, or you can buy a supplement that easily mixes into other food.

Mind your food allergies. Like inflammatory foods, food allergies can cause harmful inflammation in your body. This is harmful for your health and immune system. It's important that you avoid foods that cause you to have an allergic response. If you suspect you have a food allergy, you should ask your doctor for a referral to an allergist so that you can be tested.

Using Vitamins and Supplements

Learn about your t-cell count. If your doctor orders blood tests, the labs can test the levels of t-cells in your white blood cells. Your doctor will discuss any concerns they have if your t-cell or white blood cell counts are low, as well as things you can do to boost your numbers. Increasing your t-cell count is a great way to improve the effectiveness of your immune system.

Talk to your doctor about taking supplements. Always talk with your doctor before starting new nutritional supplements since some supplements may interact with medications you're taking.

Add a selenium supplement to your diet. Studies show that the trace mineral selenium can help your body produce more t-cells. To easily add it to your diet, take a selenium supplement that contains 55 mcg in a daily dose. If you're pregnant, increase your selenium intake to 60 mcg a day. If you're breastfeeding, try to get 70 mcg a day.

Take a vitamin D supplement to activate your t-cells. Since it's difficult to get vitamin D from your food, look for a supplement that has 600 IU of vitamin D. The vitamin can make your t-cells more effective and responsive to antigens. You can get vitamin D from sunlight. Lighter skin tones may need around 15 to 20 minutes of sun exposure while darker skin tones will need closer to an hour. Keep in mind that you'll want to put on sun protection.

Take a daily zinc supplement. If you don't want to take a multivitamin or your multivitamin doesn't contain zinc, take a zinc supplement. Studies show that taking a 30 mg zinc supplement every day for at least 3 months will increase the number of t-cells in your body.

Take a multivitamin for your sex or age. If you prefer to take a multivitamin instead of several supplements, ask your doctor to recommend a multivitamin that contains B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, iron, and zinc. If your body is low on some of these vitamins and minerals, a daily multivitamin can improve your immune system. Be in the habit of taking your multivitamin even when you're not sick. This will prevent a micronutrient deficiency.

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