Windows, Mac, and Linux
Press and hold .⇧ Shift to crouch and sneak. You'll stay crouched as long as you hold the key. This key is the same for all computer versions of Minecraft.
Toggle the crouch ability. While you can't toggle it by default, there are some workarounds you can use to turn the crouch into a toggle instead of having to hold the key: Windows - Hold ⇧ Shift, then hold Alt. The game will freeze momentarily. Release both keys, then press Alt again. The game will unfreeze, and you'll be locked into sneaking. Press ⇧ Shift again to return to normal. Mac - Change the Sneak command to ⇬ Caps Lock. This turns Sneak into a toggle instead of having to hold it. If you are a beginner, you can try the game before buying it. You can use the Minecraft free trials available for PC and Xbox users. Or use the demo version of Minecraft.
Minecraft PE
Make sure Minecraft PE is up to date. Sneaking is a relatively new feature for Minecraft PE (Version 0.12.1), so you'll need to have the latest updates to access it: Android - Open the Google Play Store and search for "Minecraft Pocket Edition." If the page has an "Update" button, tap it to download and install any updates. If it just has an "Open" button, Minecraft PE is up to date. iOS - Open the App Store and tap the "Updates" tab at the bottom. Find Minecraft Pocket Edition in the list of apps and tap the "Update" button. If you only see an "Open" button, Minecraft PE is up to date.
Double-tap the ◇ button to crouch. You'll find this button in the middle of your movement controls on the bottom-left side of the screen. It will be indented when active. Tap it twice quickly to activate it.
Double-tap the ◇ again to toggle crouch off. You'll stay crouched as long as the button is indented. Double-tap it again to toggle normal walking speed again.
Console Versions
Press the right analog stick in to toggle crouch on. If you're playing on an Xbox or PlayStation, you can toggle crouch on by pressing the right stick into the controller until it clicks. If you're playing on a PlayStation Vita, press Down on the directional pad instead of clicking the right stick.4862505 6b1.jpg
Press the right stick again to toggle crouch off. You'll stay crouched until you toggle it off again. On the Vita, press Down again to toggle sneaking off.4862505 7b1.jpg
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