How to Get Fly in Pokémon Crystal
How to Get Fly in Pokémon Crystal
HM02, or Fly, is one of the most important HMs a Pokémon can have, since you can go to any destinations (with Pokémon Centers) that you have been through with only the cost of a Pokémon learning the move Fly. If you are tired of walking or swimming around everywhere, then keep reading.

Head to Cianwood City. Cianwood City is an island city. The the only way you can get there is by swimming or flying (and in this case you can't). Try surfing over to Cianwood with a Pokémon that has the move Surf. Start from Olivine City to the far left of the lighthouse to start surfing.Get Fly in Pokemon Crystal Step 1Bullet1.jpg Stock up on Repels when you Surf or else you'll encounter a lot of Magikarp and Tentacool!Get Fly in Pokemon Crystal Step 1Bullet2.jpg Try battling the trainers around the water for more experience points to beat the Cianwood Gym Leader, Chuck.Get Fly in Pokemon Crystal Step 1Bullet3.jpg When you get to Cianwood, you'll need to battle Eusine. He'll come by if you go to the upper part of Cianwood.Get Fly in Pokemon Crystal Step 1Bullet4.jpg

Go into the gym. It is Chuck's gym, and he is a Fighting-type gym leader. Clear out any of the trainer battles and make sure you have a Pokémon with Strength to move the boulders.

Defeat Chuck and earn the fifth Johto badge. Chuck has a Primeape and Poliwrath. Primeape is a Fighting type, level 27. It has Leer, Rage, Karate Chop, and Fury Swipes. Poliwrath is a Water and Fighting-type, level 30. Poliwrath has Hypnosis, Mind Reader, Surf, and DynamicPunch.Get Fly in Pokemon Crystal Step 3Bullet1.jpg Try bringing in a Psychic or Flying-type for both of them, or Electric or Grass-type for Chuck's Poliwrath.Get Fly in Pokemon Crystal Step 3Bullet2.jpg Use status inflicting moves such as Paralysis, Poison, Burn, Freeze, or Sleep on them.Get Fly in Pokemon Crystal Step 3Bullet3.jpg Bring in items to the battle like Super Potions and Awakenings!Get Fly in Pokemon Crystal Step 3Bullet4.jpg

Walk back outside and you will see a lady outside the gym. Talk to her. She will explain to you that she is Chuck's wife.Get Fly in Pokemon Crystal Step 4Bullet1.jpg She will give you an item as a reward for beating her husband, and guess what? It's the HM for Fly!Get Fly in Pokemon Crystal Step 4Bullet2.jpg

Teach Fly to a Pokémon and enjoy!

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