How to Improve Your Moon Planet in Astrology
How to Improve Your Moon Planet in Astrology
In Vedic astrology, the Moon (Chandra) is an extremely favorable and motherly force that governs your emotional and psychological wellbeing. When the Moon is strong in your horoscope, you’ll have a great memory, empathy, patience, and good luck in work and business.[1]
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A weak moon has the opposite effects and will make you anxious, afraid of intimacy, and emotionally unstable. You might even experience physical symptoms of a weak Moon like anemia, dry skin, constipation, or weak lungs.[2]
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Thankfully, there are a lot of simple remedies to reverse the consequences of a weak Moon. Keep reading for a list of the most effective ways to improve your Moon and achieve balance in your Vedic horoscope.

Wear white or silver clothes.

Opaque white is the color of the Moon. It contains all the colors of the spectrum and represents simplicity, good virtue, and deep spirituality. Wear white or silver clothing throughout the week and especially on Mondays (the Moon’s day) to harness the benefic powers of the Moon and improve your peace of mind. Wearing black or other dark colors will have the opposite effect on the Moon’s energy, so stick to whites and brights when you’re planning your outfits. Transparent, bluish-white represents the planet Venus. Wear really solid whites, like clouds or snow, to make sure you’re channeling the Moon specifically.

Accessorize with pearls or silver jewelry.

Pearl is the Moon’s gemstone. It’s a kind and giving stone, just like the Moon, and will never bring you bad luck. Wear a pearl set in a silver ring on your index or ring finger for good fortune and wealth. Pearl necklaces and other accessories will have the same good results. Silver is the metal of the moon. If you don’t own any pearls, put on silver jewelry and accessories for good luck.

Drink water and milk from silver vessels.

Water and milk are sacred liquids to the Moon. Drink them from silver cups for good luck and prosperity. A glass of milk before bedtime will also bring you calming thoughts and a night of good sleep. If you’re suffering from nightmares, leave a glass of milk by your bed overnight and then pour it over the roots of a giant tree in the morning.

Conserve water.

You’ll risk offending the Moon by wasting water. Be eco-conscious while you shower, brush your teeth, or do the dishes and save as much water as you can. Respect the water in your home and out in nature as an extension of the Moon. If you need to enter or cross a river, put your hand in the water to show your respect and good intentions before going in.

Donate white food and items to those in need.

Donating is one of the most powerful ways to win astrological favor. To impress the Moon and get rid of insomnia, depression, and stress, donate white things like milk, sugar, rice, candy, pearls, silver, white clothes, white flowers, or sandalwood to those in need. Give your gifts in the evening when the Moon is strongest. Make your donations more powerful by giving on Mondays. If you’re donating to a spiritual or religious place, give white clothes or a silver idol to bring the Moon’s energy into the temple. To remedy a personal problem caused by an afflicted (malefic) Moon, donate white rice to charity in an amount equal to your own weight.

Eat a diet full of fresh, plant-based foods.

The Moon’s rays are said to nourish Earth’s vegetation at night. To please the Moon, center your meals around the vegetables, fruits, and salads it helps grow. Focus on fresh, natural food that has been touched by the Moon’s light and not pre-packaged or processed products. Eat cold or frozen foods during the daytime when the Moon is not out. Add a dash of pepper to your meals to stop coughs and improve your memory. Store your pepper on a dining table in a copper container. Comfrey root, solomon’s seal, musali, and shatavari are all herbs of the Moon. Use them to make dishes or teas to increase the Moon’s positive power in your horoscope.

Do a fast on Mondays.

Fasting is a physical and spiritual way to strengthen the forces in your horoscope. Fast on the Moon’s day, Monday, for good luck, especially if there will be a full moon that night. Only eat at nighttime or in the early morning before the sun rises, and drink lots of water to stay hydrated throughout the day. Break the fast by eating a white dish like kheer (a type of pudding made from milk, rice, and sugar). If you have to eat something during the daytime, make sure it is a white food (but no salt). Ask your doctor or a healthcare professional about fasting if you’re worried it will negatively impact your health.

Chant a Moon Mantra.

Mantras are a great way to praise a heavenly body and channel its power. Chant the Moon Mantra, “om shram shreem sah chandermase namah,” 108 times to balance your inner emotions and minimize your fears and phobias. Speak the mantra while you have a full view of the Moon, while you meditate, or while you put on white clothes or a pearl ring to maximize the effects. For faster results, recite the mantra with a rosary of pearl or sandalwood.

Meditate in the moonlight.

Meditation is one of the best ways to connect to the Moon. They both bring you peace of mind and soothe turbulent or negative emotions, especially when you add in some deep breathing practices. Meditate in the moonlight or in a space where you have a clear view of the Moon to remedy loneliness, depression, or sleeping problems. Regular practice will bring you the best results. Meditate in silence, or try chanting a Moon Mantra or prayer to Lord Shiva for the strongest connection to the Moon. Reflect on your emotional needs while you meditate as a form of self-care. The Moon controls your inner emotions and will help you find balance and solutions to any inner turmoil.

Respect your mother.

The Moon represents mothers and your relationship with your mom. Treat your mother with respect and follow her wishes and advice if you feel symptoms of a weak Moon. Disobeying or arguing with her will cause more bad luck. Show the Moon your good relationship by sitting with your mother during purnamasi (a full moon) and chanting a Moon Mantra or a prayer to Shiva together. If you’re dining with your mother, eat with your own hands. Bad luck will follow if you let your mother feed you instead of accepting the Moon’s nourishing food directly.

Praise Lord Shiva.

Shiva is a major Hindu god with a strong attachment to the Moon. Offer prayers to Lord Shiva, especially in direct moonlight or during a full moon, to earn both his and the Moon’s blessings. For help overcoming specific obstacles in your life, recite the Shiv Chalisa (a hymn dedicated to Shiva) while focusing on the problem you want to solve. To strengthen your Shiv Chalisa, look at a picture of Shiva while you speak and try to be as focused and sincere as possible. Donna Cunningham Donna Cunningham, Astrologer The Moon governs our emotions, intuition, and inner life. To improve the effects of your natal Moon in astrology, nurture self-care rituals that align with the Moon's cycles. Keep a dream journal, spend time in nature, and process your feelings through creative outlets. When the Moon is full, set clear intentions. By understanding and working in sync with lunar energy, you can achieve deep emotional balance.

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