How to Know if a Venus in Virgo Likes You
How to Know if a Venus in Virgo Likes You
That cute Venus in Virgo you're crushing on is hardworking, dependable, and super intelligent—no wonder you like them! It can be hard to tell when this Venus sign returns your feelings because they're so reserved most of the time—but if they want you, odds are they're subtly showing it. We'll show you all the most common signs that a Venus in Virgo is crushing on you.

They seem shy at first.

According to astrologer Angel Eyedealism, Virgos are "staid and careful and cautious." These traits can lead those with Virgo placements to be shy around people they like. A Venus in Virgo who likes you might be chatty in a group of people but then get quiet around you. If they seem shy, it's not a sign of disinterest—on the contrary, it's a sign they like you a lot and want to make a good impression but aren't quite comfortable yet. When shy people like a Virgo in Venus flirt, they're subtle about it. You may also notice them looking at you (but perhaps quickly looking away when you catch them) and getting a little fidgety when you're close.

They take their time getting to know you.

Venus in Virgo wants to go slow and ensure their feelings are real. So, if they're trying to talk to you steadily more often, they have a genuine interest. They may start by sending you texts here and there, gradually ramping up until you get a text every day. They may also start liking your social media posts—a sign that they're checking your account to get to know you better. This can be a cold Venus sign, and it'll take them time to warm up. Be patient, and you'll be closer than ever before long! To start things off slow, reciprocate your Venus in Virgo's interest by commenting on a couple of their social media posts. If they like you, they'll quickly type out a reply.

They ask you deep questions.

When this Venus sign has a crush, they want to know the real you. If you notice that your Venus in Virgo engages you with lots of thoughtful questions, it means they like you! They'll ask you about your life, past, family, goals, likes, dislikes, and more. It might even feel like an interrogation at times, but rest assured that it's just this sign's natural curiosity. While you're answering Venus in Virgo's questions, you might notice that they're studying you with focus and intensity. When this sign wants to know everything about you, they mean it! That includes your style, looks, and mannerisms.

They remember everything you say.

A Venus in Virgo with a crush pays attention to fine details. In conversation, you'll notice them referring to small facts about your life that you mentioned previously. When you're hanging out, they'll recall your food preferences, favorite activities, and other details you've revealed in the past. You might not remember saying all these things, but they definitely will! For example, if you mention you're interested in world history, a Venus in Virgo might text you fun history facts here and there because they know you'll enjoy it.

They make time for you.

This sign keeps a tight schedule but will be flexible for a crush. Venus in Virgo is introverted and typically a workaholic, so you know they like you when they're going out of their way to see you. They'll start coming over often or inviting you to hang out spontaneously. They may even look for ways to see you more, like throwing a small get-together between friends. Over time, their calls and visits won't be so spontaneous. You'll know they feel strongly about you when you're penciled into their calendar every week, and they start to shape their schedule around you.

They want to solve your problems.

Practical Venus in Virgo is a problem-solver and loves being helpful. Acts of service is their love language; don't be surprised if they forego sweet words or grand gestures for making sure you're taken care of at all times. Venus in Virgo will drop everything to do you a favor or come to your aid! They'll brainstorm solutions to more complicated issues you're having and do their best to fix them. For example, if you need help around your house with repairs, cleaning, or DIY projects, a Venus in Virgo will be the first to offer a hand. If you need a ride somewhere or have a last-minute emergency, this sign will show up, no questions asked, to support you. You may notice a Venus in Virgo also uses their offers of help to spend more time with you. This is their way of becoming a constant presence in your life, one they hope you'll find valuable.

They get you thoughtful gifts.

This sign goes for sentimental gifts, not flashy and expensive ones. When Venus in Virgo likes you, they'll choose gifts that reflect how well they've gotten to know you. To them, an ideal gift would be something you've mentioned needing or a nostalgic item you told them about from your childhood. As a simple gesture, for example, Venus in Virgo might bring your usual coffee order the next time you meet up. If you let it slip early on that Star Wars are your favorite movies, a Venus in Virgo might get you a Star Wars shirt for your birthday months later without needing to ask what you want.

They accept your flaws.

According to astrologer Angel Eyedealism, Venus in Virgo "tends to be micromanaging and criticize their partner a lot." So, if you've been spending time with a Venus in Virgo and haven't heard a single complaint or criticism, it's a surefire sign that they're crushing on you! When this sign likes someone, the little things they usually nitpick about don't bother them so much. In fact, they may even start paying you compliments—which isn't common for Virgos at all. For example, if you tend to leave your dirty dishes in the sink for a day or two after use, they won't get upset. Instead, they might just make time to load up the dishwasher themselves without saying anything. If your Venus in Virgo occasionally makes minor critiques remember that they want to help you, even though it can be easy to take the nagging wrong. They aren't trying to make you feel bad!

They start to loosen up.

The uptight Venus in Virgo only relaxes around people they like. Eventually, this sign's shy demeanor will melt away. You'll notice them acting more confident and chill around you and cracking lots of jokes to show off their clever sense of humor. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, so they'll love having relaxed chats with you every chance they get. When they start joking around with you, show appreciation for Venus in Virgo's funny side and try out a few jokes of your own! So long as your jokes aren't crude or dirty, they'll love seeing this side of you too.

They'll be vulnerable with you.

This sign shares more emotion as their affection grows. Venus in Virgo is a perfectionist and wants to be seen as flawless by the rest of the world. When they like you, however, they're comfortable letting you know every facet of their emotions—the pleasant and the unpleasant. Your Venus in Virgo is cluing you into their crush when they open up to you about their hopes, dreams, and fears. Listen carefully to your Venus in Virgo, be supportive, and make sure you don't make them feel judged. The more support they get, the more they'll adore you.

They're loyal to you.

When they like you, Venus in Virgo will only have eyes for you. This sign doesn't play around with romance and wants you to know they're serious. They'll always say what they mean around you, and they'll be available whenever you need them. They may also start getting flirty and reserve that behavior just for you to prove that you're the only romantic interest in their life.

They talk about the future.

This sign only gets attached when they see long-term potential in you. They're looking for a partner, and they'll devote their energy to wooing you if they see that you share their values. If Venus in Virgo starts talking about what you might be doing together months or even years from now, they like you and want you to stick around for the long haul. They might invite you to a concert months in advance, without knowing what your relationship status will be by then. They may even talk about what you'll be doing in a couple of years and hint that they'd like you to be part of their life then.

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