How to Make a Car Spin
How to Make a Car Spin
Though this is a dangerous maneuver, you may want to make your car spin at some point.

Front Wheel Drive

Drive straight at approximately 50 km/h (30 mph) if on pavement. On dirt you want to go about half that, preferably in 2nd gear with full throttle.

Remove your right foot from the throttle sharply. On an automatic transmission lightly touch the brake with your left foot, while keeping the right foot over the throttle.

Turn the steering wheel sharply in the desired direction.

Pull the handbrake a moment after the beginning of the steering. Hold the safety button with your thumb at the same time. Continue steering until your steering wheel is locked. This is much easier on cars equipped with power steering, as you have to steer using only one hand.

Step on the gas as soon as the tail slides. This is perceived as a moment of weightlessness.

Straighten the wheel and release the handbrake when you wish to exit the spin. If you release the handbrake first, your car will stop spinning and start turning normally, possibly hitting the curb or driving off the road!

High Powered Rear Wheel Drive

Turn the steering wheel all the way to the desired direction with the car at a standstill.

Shift in 1st, apply full throttle and release the clutch halfway. This should result in a wheelspin and a tail-happy behavior of your car.

Take your foot off the gas when you wish to exit the spin. Release the clutch and straighten the steering wheel at the same time.

Low Powered Rear Wheel Drive or All Wheel Drive

Start from a standstill and begin making circles, while turning the wheel to make the radius progressively smaller.

Increase the speed as soon as your steering wheel is locked. Continue until you feel the car can't take any more speed without losing control. You must be going in a perfect circle, without any under-steer (i.e. tendency of the front wheels to keep moving straight rather than turning).

Press the clutch and pull the emergency brake.

Release the handbrake as soon as the tail slides. Make a wheel spin as described above.

Take your foot off the gas when you wish to exit the spin. Release the clutch and straighten the steering wheel at the same time.

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