How to Make Cat Litter at Home
How to Make Cat Litter at Home
If you find yourself out of cat litter (it happens to every cat lover at some point), you can try to make it from scratch at home or while traveling. You may also find this is a budget-friendly, easy and eco-conscious alternative worth sticking with for future use.

Shred some newspapers into strips. It is easiest and more even to do this using a paper shredder. If not, use your hands or scissors, trying to keep the strips even. Then collect the shredded paper in a large bucket or similar container.

Soak the paper strips in warm water mixed with a few squirts of gentle, biodegradable dish soap. The shredded paper will take on a cooked oatmeal consistency. The paper won’t become completely clean, but the water will turn grey.

Drain the water. Then repeat the soaking, this time without using soap.

Sprinkle baking soda over the wet paper. Knead it in to the mixture. You might want to wear gloves to avoid getting ink on your hands.

Squeeze the remaining water out. Continue squeezing until it’s as dry as you can get it.

Crumble the wet paper mixture over a screen. Leave to dry. Drying it will take a few days. You could use an old window screen, a flat mesh colander or similar wire screen implement. If you have an envelope or paper making screen, that will be ideal.

Finished. You have perfect litter for your cat! Most cats will learn to accept this litter quickly. To encourage your cat, add the litter to a tray with low sides so the cat can enter it easily. If using this litter with a kitten, consider confining it to a small room (a bathroom works well as it is easy to clean) until the kitten gets used to using the box and litter regularly.

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