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How to Use Genmoji
Open a message in the Messages app. Note that you must have an iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, or any iPhone 16 model to use Genmoji (as well as other Apple Intelligence features). You can send a Genmoji to anybody, even people who have a different iPhone model or don't have an iPhone at all. However, the Genmoji will be sent as an attachment instead of appearing like a standard emoji for these users.
Open the emoji keyboard. You can do this by tapping the message field, then tapping the smiley face button in the lower-left corner of the screen.
Tap the "Describe an emoji" field and write a description of your Genmoji. You can write just about anything here. If there isn't an emoji for it, try creating a Genmoji instead.
Select one of the Genmojis that were created. After a few moments, you'll be presented with a few interpretations of your prompt. Scroll through and find the one that you like best.
Tap Insert in the upper right corner. The Genmoji will be saved in the Genmoji tab of your emoji keyboard so you can use it again.
What is Genmoji?
Genmoji uses generative AI to create new emojis. While Genmoji aren't technically part of the Unicode emoji alphabet, they can be used similar to a standard emoji thanks to new technology from Apple. Genmoji can be sent as standalone images (similar to a sticker or Memoji) or included with text. When sent with text, Genmojis will adapt to the size of the font so they can be sent in-line, just like emojis. If you are texting someone with an iPhone 15 Pro or Pro Max or any of the iPhone 16 models, the Genmoji will be sent as an image attachment so your recipient can still see the Genmoji.
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