What Does the ???? (Nose) Emoji Mean?
What Does the ???? (Nose) Emoji Mean?
While the ???? (nose) emoji mainly represents the central feature on the center of your face, you might be surprised to learn how versatile it can be in texting and social media. In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about this creative emoji, including its meaning, uses, and responses. We’ve also included a list of other nose-related emojis that you can use to spice up your conversation.
Things You Should Know
  • The ???? (nose) emoji most often symbolizes scent or the act of smelling.
  • Use ???? to tell someone that they smell good, or to reveal that someone is lying to you.
  • Respond with a smiling or blushing face emoji to accept a compliment, or send the ???? emoji if your friend tells you that something smells fishy.

What does the ???? (nose) emoji mean?

The ???? emoji often represents smelling or something that smells. In most cases, the meaning of the ???? emoji is pretty straightforward—it symbolizes the central part of the human face. Use it to say something smells good or bad, or to suggest that someone is being nosy or dishonest. “Just wanted to say you smell so good ????” “What are you baking? ???????? The kitchen smells delicious ????” “My sister is being so nosy???? All she does is pry into my business.”

How to Use the ???? (Nose) Emoji

Use the ???? emoji to compliment someone. If someone is wearing nice perfume or they’re whipping up something delicious, drop the ???? emoji to say something smells divine. Saying someone (or something) smells good is the ultimate compliment, especially if you’re trying to be flirty. “What perfume are you wearing? It smells fire ????????” “I’m excited to eat! It smells so good ????????????” “Your room smells so nice ???? Do you use a diffuser?”

Indicate that someone is lying to you with the ???? emoji. Do you smell something fishy or out of line? Reveal that your senses are working overtime with ????. Whether you suspect a friend is being two-faced or dishonest, the ???? emoji says that you know something’s up and you’re ready to follow your intuition. “I think they’re lying to me. Something smells fishy ????????” “She was acting sus at the game. Something smells fishy ????????” “I noticed something smelled fishy ???????? Turns out, they were lying the whole time!”

Tell someone to mind their own business with the ???? emoji. If your sibling, parent, or friend is being extra nosy, send a ???? to convey that you need space. It’s a playful way to tell them to buzz off and get some alone time. “Stop being so nosy ????” “I hate people who are nosy ????” “Why are you always up in my business? Quit being nosy ????”

How to Respond to the ???? (Nose) Emoji

Drop a smiling or blushing face emoji to accept their compliment. If someone tells you that you smell good or that something you’re making smells delicious, reply with a cute and bashful emoji to thank them. The following emojis are perfect options to convey genuine warmth and gratitude toward someone: “Aw, thank you so much ????” “Stop it! You’re making me blush ????” “I just bought a new perfume, so you’re really hyping me up ???? Thanks!”

Send ???? if your friend reveals that something shady is happening. The steaming tea emoji is another way of saying that they’re “spilling the tea,” or revealing juicy news or gossip about someone. It’s the perfect response to convey shock, surprise, or interest about their message. “That’s why people say ‘trust no one’ ????” “The truth always comes to light ????????????” “There’s a reason why no one trusts her ???? I know you’ll get to the bottom of things ????️‍♀️”

Reply with an annoyed or hushed face emoji to confirm you heard them. If someone sends you a ???? to tell you to mind your own business, fire back with an emoji that’s just as sassy and playful. It’s a great way to tease them, plus let them know that you heard their message loud and clear. “Got it ????” “Don’t say I didn’t warn you ????” “Chill out, I’m just trying to protect you ????”

???? (Nose) Emoji Copy and Paste

The ???? emoji was approved as part of Unicode 6.0 and added to Emoji 1.0. Unicode: U+1F443

Other Nose-Related Emojis

???? (Lying Face) Emoji If someone is being dishonest (or you tell a little white lie), send this emoji to indicate they’re being untruthful. It looks like Pinnochio, so it’s the perfect way to call someone out and confront their behavior. “You’re the biggest liar I’ve ever met ????” “Sure, I totally finished all my homework last night ????” “My sister totally lied to me ???? I caught her stealing out of my closet!”

???? (Sneezing Face) Emoji Oftentimes, this emoji symbolizes sickness and all things that make you sneeze. It’s a simple way to say that you’re feeling under the weather, but some people use it to represent crying or sad emotions. “Can’t stop sneezing ????” “I think I caught a cold yesterday ????????” “I couldn’t stop crying at the wedding ???? It was so beautiful!”

???? (Face with Steam From Nose) Emoji With shut eyes, scrunched brows, and steam blazing from its nostrils, this emoji is anger incarnate. It conveys extreme irritation, frustration, or pent up rage, so use it whenever someone does you wrong or you’re absolutely done with life. “He had the audacity to blame me for the missing part. I’m done ????????????” “I’m FUMING!!! She pushed me into the pool, even after I told her I couldn’t swim ????” “I can’t believe they wouldn’t accept my paper because I turned it in 30 seconds late ????”

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