What Happens When You Text a Number that Blocked You?
The recipient will not receive your text messages. Furthermore, you will not receive any notifications that you've been blocked. Your messages will not be marked as "Delivered" (if your text messaging app gives delivery statuses), but this does not necessarily mean that you've been blocked. If you are using iMessage on an iPhone and you are texting another iPhone user, your messages are generally sent over the internet. Messages sent via iMessage over the internet have a blue message bubble. Messages sent through your carrier via SMS generally have a green message bubble. If you are sending text messages to another iPhone user and your message bubble turns green, this could be an indication that you have been blocked.
How To Tell If You've Been Blocked?
Ask them. One way to know for sure if you've been blocked is if the person tells you they blocked you. This may not be possible if they don't want you to talk to them. However, if you happen to see them in person, you can ask them. You can message them over social media or using a third-party messaging app like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp. Blocking someone on your phone does not affect third-party messaging apps.
Call the number. Text messaging often doesn't give you too many clues as to whether or not you have been blocked. However, calling the number might offer more clues. If you call a number that has blocked you, generally, you will hear one ring and then your call will go straight to voicemail. If the person is rejecting your call because they are busy, you will hear a random number of rings. If their phone is off or on Do Not Disturb, your call will generally go straight to voicemail. One ring usually means you've been blocked. You can leave a voicemail for someone who has blocked your number, but they will not be notified that you left them a voicemail. Depending on their phone settings and their carrier, voicemails from blocked numbers may be routed to a separate inbox.
Use Suggested Contacts on Android. If you have an Android phone, you can use the Suggested Contacts feature to see if you've been blocked. To do this, you will first need to delete them from your contacts. Then do a search for their name in your contacts. They should appear as a suggested contact. If they do not appear as a suggested contact, there's a good chance you have been blocked.
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