Nice Things to Say
Offer a kind word to put a smile on your BFF's face. Don’t underestimate how powerful a little positivity and kindness can be. A few kind words can totally change your BFF’s mood and boost their happiness—and being kind to them can make you feel happier, too! So, don’t hesitate to send some positivity their way when the mood strikes. You’re a wonderful best friend. You’re just the best! As best friends, I think we complete each other! True friends are hard to find, but I’ve found one in you. Having a friend who truly understands me is such a blessing! I trust you completely. I know you’re a reliable person! Life is more exciting because you’re here to share the journey with me. Around you, I can be my authentic self without fear of judgment. I hope I make you feel that way, too. I wish you were here right now. I always have more fun when you’re around! Rain or shine, you’ll always be my best friend.
Funny Things to Say
Crack a silly joke to make your best friend chuckle. A good sense of humor is totally infectious, and laughter is a potent mood booster that can actually decrease stress. Odds are, if you and your best friend are the type of people who laugh at each other’s jokes, your bond is stronger than ever! That’s why it’s never a bad idea to make goofy (but still lighthearted) jokes to your best friend, You’re the only other person I’ve ever met who matches my level of crazy, and that’s why we’re best friends. At this point, we have to be best friends forever…because you know way too much about me to just walk away now! I really appreciate you laughing at my jokes. It makes people think I’m actually funny! You love cracking jokes, and I love laughing at them. We’re made for each other! When we’re old, we should live in the same retirement home and cause trouble there. I love your jokes! Too bad I have a lousy sense of humor. Our friendship is why I had to get an unlimited data plan. Thanks for all the fun (and the extra bills!) I wanna be the reason you look at your phone and smile…then walk into a pole. You’re like a human GPS—at least when it comes to tracking down the best food in town. Thanks, bestie! I’m so glad I managed to find a BFF as weird as I am! You’re my favorite person to be socially awkward with! Thanks for being so bad at dancing. You make me look like a pro! A good friend will bail you out of jail, but a best friend will be sitting in the cell with you.
Appreciative Things to Say
Make sure your BFF knows how much you value them as a friend. Expressing gratitude can be incredibly helpful for both you and your best friend; it makes them feel appreciated, and it reminds you of the good things in your life (which can really improve your mood). Tell your BFF exactly why you appreciate them to build an even stronger bond! Whenever you crack a joke, it makes my day a little better! Thanks for always cheering me up. I’m grateful for our friendship because you inspire me, and spending time with you makes me happy. Thank you for being you! You’re one in a million, and I’m glad you're my best friend. I never get tired of being around you. It’s so easy for me to have fun with you! You really bring out the best in me, and I’m so grateful for that (and for you). Thank you for celebrating all the successes and awesome things with me—and for sticking with me through the hard times. Thanks for supporting me when I was really going through it. You’re one of the few people I can count on, no matter what. I just wanted you to know that you’re a truly great friend. You look out for me and push me to be better, and I’m grateful. I know you always have my back, and I want you to know that it’s not something I take for granted. Thank you for being such a great friend! Life is way easier when I have you there cheering me on. Thank you for being someone I can count on. Your friendship is something I truly value and cherish—and I always will. Thanks for always turning my birthday into a big, spectacular event. You really make me feel special! Sometimes life feels uncertain, but you’re always there. Thanks for being a constant in my life.
Comforting Things to Say
Give your best friend reassurance when they’re feeling blue. Everyone needs help sometimes, and what are best friends for if not to offer a shoulder to cry on and some heartfelt support? Social support can actually help calm you and relieve your stress, so make the effort to reach out to your BFF and offer support when they need it. I’m here for you, no matter what. I’m not going anywhere. You can always count on me! Remember that it’s okay to ask for help. I’m here to support you! You’re doing your best, and that’s all that matters. I’m proud of you. Your feelings are completely valid, and I’m here to listen. You’re not alone in this. You’re worthy of love, happiness, and good things. If I can help give you some of that, I will. It’s okay to make mistakes; they don’t define you. You can learn from them, move on, and be stronger for it. It’s okay to prioritize your well-being. Take the time to breathe, relax, and feel better; you’ll be stronger for it. You’re strong, and you have the willpower to keep going and overcome this challenge. We’ll get through this together. I’ve got you, and you’ve got me. No matter what happens, I’ll always be here to remind you how special and important you are. Sending you good vibes and positive energy. It’s going to be okay!
Encouraging Things to Say
Let your best friend know that you believe in them! Best friends are often one another’s most passionate cheerleaders. Even if you don’t feel super confident in yourself, your BFF should be someone who can give you a dose of encouragement when you need it, so be sure to return the favor. According to clinical psychologist Asa Don Brown, friendships should be compassionate, empathetic, loyal, and supportive! You’re stronger than you think, and you can absolutely do this. Keep going! You’re determined and resilient, and you’ve overcome challenges before. You’ll get through this one, too. Take things one step at a time. Even a little progress is still progress. You’ve got this! You always bring out the best in everyone around you, and it’ll be the same with this new project. Good luck! Together, we can do anything! Remember that you’re never alone. If you believe in yourself, there’s no challenge you can’t overcome. And I believe in you, too! You’re always trying to grow and learn—and that’s how I know you’ll be okay no matter what. Anytime you need a little hype, I’ll be here to remind you how awesome you are. I’m so proud of how far you’ve come, and I know you can accomplish any goal you set your mind to. Keep working hard and turning your goals into a reality. You’re gonna change the world someday!
Compliments for a Best Friend
Point out all the things you love most about your awesome BFF. Compliments can really improve someone’s mood and make them feel better about themselves. So, of course, your BFF deserved a few compliments every so often! Tell them what you like most or admire about them and why you feel that way. Your sense of humor is amazing. You never fail to make me laugh! You’re the most loyal person I know. It makes me feel lucky to know you. You have such a positive outlook on life, and I really admire it. You’re so generous and thoughtful. It’s no wonder everyone loves you! Your smile is totally contagious! You’re so creative, and your imagination inspires everyone around you. You have the coolest sense of style. I love coming to you for style tips! You’re smart, quick-thinking, and great at problem-solving. It never fails to impress me! You have so much charisma it’s crazy. I love how you can hit it off with anyone you meet! You’re kind, compassionate, and empathetic. I’m proud to call you my best friend.
Sweet Things to Say
Say something cute and heartfelt to strengthen the friendship. Don’t be afraid to get sentimental sometimes. Even if you and your best friend aren’t usually the type of people to say emotional things, expressing how you really feel about them (and how much you care) can strengthen your friendship! You’re my best friend and partner in crime, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. You’re my favorite person in the world. I’m so glad our paths crossed. I wouldn’t want anyone else to be my best friend! You’re as close as family to me—the family I chose. True friends are allowed to make fun of you, which is why you’re the only one allowed to do it to me. You’re my best friend, and I’d do anything for you. I just want you to know that. How’d I get such an incredible best friend? I feel like I won the BFF lottery! There’s nobody in the world I trust as much as you. I tell you things I’d never tell anyone else. That’s why you’re my best friend. You’re the best of the best. There’s no other friend like you!
Sharing Memories
Reminisce about the best moments you’ve experienced together. Nostalgia lets your best friend know you’ve been thinking about them (and that they’re important to you). So, even though it might not seem like much, bringing up a few shared memories can bring the two of you closer together. I’ve been thinking about all the birthdays we spent together. Which one was your favorite? Remember the first time we hung out? We hit it off so fast! Want to go visit our favorite park sometime soon? We’ve made such great memories there! Sometimes, I think back on all the trouble we’ve gotten into together and laugh at how crazy we were! We’ve been through a lot together, and I’ll always remember how we supported one another through everything. Remember that time we went on vacation together? I can’t believe all the cool things we got to do! Every memory I have of you is a good one, even the arguments and challenges, because ultimately, they show how much we care about one another. Do you have a favorite memory of our friendship? Mine is when we went on that spur-of-the-moment road trip for the day.
Things to Say in a Birthday Card
Wish your best friend a happy birthday with a thoughtful message. When it comes to your best friend’s birthday, try coming up with a card message (or text) that you think will mean the most to them. Let them know how important they are to you and that you wish them well in the year ahead. Happiest of birthdays to my incredible best friend. I hope your day is as awesome as you are! Another year, another birthday—and you’re still as amazing as ever. Happy birthday, bestie! Happy birthday to my best friend in the world! Sending you the biggest hugs. Cheers to another year of friendship! Happy birthday to my best friend in the whole world. Happy birthday to my BFF and partner in crime! I can’t wait to celebrate in person. Happy birthday to a true friend who brightens up every room they enter. Celebrate and enjoy your special day! Happy birthday to my dearest friend! May this be the year all of your wishes come true. Sending birthday hugs and much love to my best friend. I wish you happiness, laughter, and wonderful experiences in the year ahead.
Celebrating a Friendship Anniversary
Tell your BFF how lucky you feel to have met them. Anniversaries are a testament to the strength of your friendship, so consider sending your best friend a message to celebrate the occasion (or talk to them about it in person). Be sure to tell them how much the friendship has meant to you over the years! Looking back on the years we’ve shared as best friends, I’m blown away by all the wonderful memories I have of us. Let’s keep making even more! Every year of friendship only makes our bond stronger. Happy 5 years of being best friends! We’ve been friends for 15 years, and every year is another testament to the bond we have. Our friendship has weathered so many ups and downs over the years, and it keeps getting stronger. Happy friendship anniversary! We’ve been friends almost as long as we’ve been alive, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Here’s to many more years of friendship! I can’t believe we’ve been friends for 10 years! Here’s to many more memories together. Not many people manage to stay friends as long as we have, but every anniversary reminds me how special and irreplaceable our bond really is. I have so many beautiful memories of our friendship from the last 20 years, but I know we’ve only scratched the surface. I can’t wait to see what comes next…together! Fifty years of friendship is an amazing milestone, and we’re still just as close today as we were decades ago. You are (and always will be) the best friend I could ask for.
Heartfelt Paragraphs
Write a paragraph for your BFF if speaking feels difficult. Sometimes it's a little daunting to say how you feel out loud—even if you're just telling your bestie how great they are. So, if you'd rather write than speak, try writing a heartfelt paragraph and use it to remind your best friend how much you adore and admire them. I really hope you know how much your friendship means to me. We've grown so much together and I wish you only the best in life. Thank you for sticking by me through everything; I'll always be here for you too! Over the years, we've grown from friends into family, and I can't imagine my life without you. Thanks for being my partner in crime, study buddy, road-tripping pal, and the one person I can always confide in. And, more than anything else, thank you for being you! To my BFF: I just wanted to remind you how special you are. You're cool, kind, super talented, and the best person I know. There are great things in your future—and as your best friend, I say that with total confidence! It's kind of crazy that you and I can talk all day and all night, and we'll still have a thousand more things to say—but that's just how great we are! Years from now, I hope we're still just as close, and we can look back on all the great memories together. You're the absolute best! Real friends are hard to come by and impossible to forget. Thank you for putting up with me, for laughing at my jokes, for taking the time to listen to my problems, for protecting me, and for telling me the truth even when I'm in the wrong. I appreciate you more than you know!
Friendship Quotes
Share a quote to show your BFF how you really feel about them. You don’t necessarily have to go quoting famous authors around your friend all the time—instead, you can include a sweet quote about friendship in a text or birthday card for your bestie! Sometimes, it’s easier to use someone else’s words than verbalize your own feelings. “What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.” — Aristotle “Your heart and my heart are very, very old friends.” ― Hafiz “True friends are always together in spirit.” —L.M. Montgomery "If you have two friends in your lifetime, you're lucky. If you have one good friend, you're more than lucky." — S.E. Hinton “True friendships are eternal.” — Cicero "There are friends, there is family, and then there are friends that become family." — Unknown “There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.” ― Jane Austen "Some people go to priests; others to poetry; I to my friends." — Virginia Woolf
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