A tribute in sand for Nithari victims
A tribute in sand for Nithari victims
Banaras Hindu University sculptors paid a tribute in sand to the children who fell prey to the gruesome ordeal.

New Delhi: The skeletons of 22 children that have been unearthed in Nithari have sent shockwaves through the country.

The grisly tale of young children being kidnapped, sexually assaulted and butchered to death in businessman Moninder Singh Pandher’s D-5 bungalow, has disgusted and distressed citizens.

And even as the police are now exploring a possible organ trade angle, sympathy is pouring in from all over the country.

Earlier, the Noida Resident Welfare Association came all out in support of the victims of Nithari and organised a prayer meet outside the Moninder's residence.

Now, four young sculptors from the Banaras Hindu University paid a tribute in sand to the children who fell prey to the gruesome ordeal.

According to a report in UNI, the students created a giant map of India, not as a union of states, but human skulls in tears.

A sandy rope going through the map reflected the artists call to put to the gallows those responsible for killing so many innocent children.

''An artist not only fashions creations, but also soothes the senses of people, and is duty bound to depict the burning social issues through their art. This sculpture not only forms a tribute to the memory of the Nithari victims, but symbolises a growing public demand that perpetrators of the episode should be executed like the former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein,'' they were quoted by UNI as saying.

The four sculptors - Hemant, Kamal, Suraj and Rahul - capped their artistic tribute by lighting evening candles around the sand sculpture in the memory of the Nithari victims.

(With inputs from UNI)

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