Bangalore reels under terror, bomb defused near mall
Bangalore reels under terror, bomb defused near mall
The defused bomb was a high-intensity bomb made for maximum impact.

New Delhi: Even as the city of Bangalore was still reeling under the impact of Friday's serial blasts, another live bomb was defused near a mall in the city's Koramangala area.

Investigation continues and even though an NSG team has now joined in the probe, the sate police have made little headway.

Bangalore Police Commisioner Shankar Bidari says, “We got information on Saturday that a man wearing a red t-shirt placed a bucket with a bomb on the footpath near Hyderabad house.”

This, however, is the first lead that the Bangalore police gave out a day after a series of blasts rocked the IT capital.

On Saturday, the police also recovered a live bomb near the popular Forum Mall in Koramangala, an upmarket area in the city, most likely targeting the weekend shoppers.

Unlike Friday's explosives, the defused bomb was a high-intensity bomb made for maximum impact. However, the police were tipped off in time and the bomb squad defused it before it could do any damage.

The BJP, the ruling party in the state, which had made terror an issue during the elections, is playing down the incident. It says the blasts were a retaliatory act by small timers, against the saffron rise in the South.

“We are investigating all angles who could have been involved in the blast. We do not want to comment so early. I will have another briefing with police officers, only then I would be able to give some information,” says Home Minister, VS Acharya.

Police sources have told CNN-IBN that the pattern of Friday’s serial blasts suggests an amateurish approach and it was perhaps done in a hurry.

Although, a possibly bigger tragedy has been averted, it is time to take the security threat far more seriously.

"The irony is, that it happened soon after the Namaz. It could create communal tension,” says former DGP, terror expert, B S Sial.

Meanwhile, even as an NSG team has joined in the probe, it could take some time before the police authorities take any action against anyone in the case.

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