Big buyers make a beeline for WIFW
Big buyers make a beeline for WIFW
Big name buyers from around the world have gathered at the Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week, which is on in Delhi right now. But will that mean big business?

New Delhi: Big name buyers from around the world have gathered at the Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week, which is on in Delhi right now. But will that mean big business?

After six years, finally there's more to the India Fashion Week than just air-kissing and pretty bridals. Names like Harvey Nichols, Saks Fifth Avenue and Bloomingdale's are attending the fashion week.

India's tiny $2 billion fashion industry is hoping to piggyback on this heightened interest for a greater share of the $14 billion textile industry.

Some of the biggest money is coming from the Middle East. For example, Usha of Kuwait placed a $100,000 order at the fashion week last year.

With designers Manish Arora finally tapping into a global market, Indian fashion might finally shed its nascent tag.

For Indian Fashion which has for long tried to court the West, perhaps there is a lesson in this fashion season. While Bloomingdale's might be interested in Manish Arora, these instances are few and far in between.

The real money is at home and the real money is amongst the oil fields of the Middle East. If only Indian Fashion can concentrate on these two markets they would realise that they could easily find their millions.

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