Bush choppers out, waved off by Obamas
Bush choppers out, waved off by Obamas
He departed from White House and will now lead a civilian life.

Washington: Ending a tumultuous eight years in office, former president George W. Bush boarded a helicopter behind Capitol Hill Tuesday to depart from Washington and return to civilian life.

Newly sworn US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle, along with Vice President Joe Biden and wife Jill, bid goodbye to Bush and wife Laura on the East Front of the US Congress building.

Bush, who attended the swearing-in ceremony with his wife Laura, was thanked by his successor for his service to the nation as well as the generosity and cooperation he had shown throughout his transition.

Inheriting the economic troubles, the worst since the depression in the 1930s, Obama called for bold and swift action to revive the economy.

"The state of the economy calls for action, bold and swift and we will act--not only to create new jobs, but to lay a new foundation of growth," he said.

Obama said the time has come to set aside our childishness.

Bush, who leaves Washington as one of the nation's most unpopular and divisive presidents after a eight-year rule, watched the first change of guard since 2001 along with his wife Laura. Former presidents Jimmy Carter, George H Bush and Bill Clinton were also present.

The incoming First Lady Michelle Obama carried to theplatform the Bible on which the country's fourth youngest president placed his left hand, and repeated the 35-word oath of office with right hand raised promising to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States "adding "so help me God" at the end. Obama decided to use his full name--Barack Hussein Obama--for the swearing-in.

Before the historic Obama oath, Joseph Biden, the Democrat's running mate, was sworn in as Vice President. Outgoing Vice President Dick Cheney pulled a muscle in his back and was in a wheelchair for the inauguration.

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