Centre on PMK radar over SL deal
Centre on PMK radar over SL deal
Parties in TN have been protesting against the influx of refugees from SL and now, PMK has criticised Govt for giving SL radars.

Chennai: PMK's Ramadoss may be a UPA ally. But he's now at loggerheads with the Central Government over reports that India has given radars to Sri Lanka.

While the radars have been seen as defensive and non-lethal equipment, Ramdass and other pro-LTTE political parties have opposed any defence cooperation with the Sri Lankan government.

Ramadoss is now demanding that the Centre should consult him and other Tamil Nadu political parties before taking any decision on the Sri Lankan crisis.

"I don't agree with this defence deal with the Sri Lankan government," says Ramadoss.

Other UPA allies like Karunanidhi himself have treaded a cautious line when it comes to the Sri Lankan issue. And he is seen to be sending out a message that he's no longer soft on the Tigers. He's so far been silent on PMK's statements.

Analysts say it's time parties like the PMK and MDMK to stop being pressure groups on India's foreign policy.

"They are more concerned with India's involvement. They would feel that if India comes on the Sri Lankan side, the it will be doomsday for them," says Editor-in-Chief, The Hindu, N Ram.

Many believe that even the Sri Lankan president, Rajpakse, had cancelled his visit to Tamil Nadu in January this year because of protests from the pro-LTTE parties.

These parties have often used the Sri Lankan crisis in projecting themselves as the champions of the Tamils, even if it means being seen as pro-LTTE.

However, it become's a sensitive issue when they are allies in the Central Government and demand a say in the country's foreign policy.

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