Distraction: Question of here or there!
Distraction: Question of here or there!
There are times and then there good times. And then there are good times but they demand you to make a choice.

New Delhi: There are times and then there good times. And then there are good times but they demand you to make a choice. Now the week gone by brought me another joy. Promotion! But not without its share of demands.

My boss told me that I have been promoted. That would mean an increment, raise in my designation, my travelling expenses would be paid and all… Wow! I thought.

Not that it was not so earlier… (I have gotten many increments, my petrol bills are paid by the office. I had been working here for no less than four years. Had started from a lower rung and got promoted early because of my good performance and professional approach but then I had been working at the managerial level for almost two years now, not because of want of talent but age! They said ‘age was not on my side’…so I will have to wait for a while for a raise in my designation.)

And then one morning you reach office and you are summoned by your boss and told that you are promoted to a higher level, it makes a difference. I would now be a senior manager… not bad hmm! There are so many things I would be able to do… So many things… I have so many ideas in my head but then you know how difficult it is for you to finally implement them with everyone blocking your way! Even the bosses. They just want to save their jobs. There are some who work and that is what’s saving the corporations from crumbling.

That’s the corporation. Soulless and ruthless. In here, the work moves at the pace you move. But no matter how diligent and creative you are, your hands are tied…

My reverie was finally broken by my boss’ high-pitched voice announcing the mega prize… “And you will have to move to Mumbai where you will be provided a flat furnished by the company… I am sure you must be happy, Anisha. Congratulations!”


“What now? You not happy?”

“Of course, I am, very much… but I don’t want to move out of Delhi. I love this place”.

“God! Don’t give me that. You can be transferred anywhere you see…as part of the policy”.

“No, you won’t understand sir. I need some time to think about this now…”

“Fine then, this post is based out of Mumbai and we all feel you are the best for this… think and let me know.”

“Fine sir. Thank you.”


There are good times and then there are good times. And Delhi would always be a place for me associated with good times. It’s been five years since I came to Delhi and now it seems that I have known this city for as long as I can remember. How can I get out of here?

I can’t. It would be very difficult. I guess, I will have to wait some more…:)

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