Highlights of Bush's Farewell Address
Highlights of Bush's Farewell Address
US President George W Bush on Friday said relationship between India and the United States was 'closer than ever before' and it has the power to transform the world.

New Delhi: US President George W Bush on Friday said relationship between India and the United States was 'closer than ever before' and it has the power to transform the world.

"I have come to India as a friend," he said.

Highlights of Bush's Address:

  • Bush makes public address from Purana Quila
  • I have come to India as a friend: Bush
  • India and US are united by opportunities: Bush
  • India, US closer than ever before: Bush
  • Indo-US partnership has the power to transform the world: Bush
  • Delighted to be in India, greatful for grand reception: Bush
  • I am dazzeled by the great country: Bush
  • Respect from the world's oldest democracy to the largest democracy: Bush
  • It's a great civilisation that gave mathematics, gave birth to many religions: Bush
  • 80,000 Indian students in US more than from any country: Bush
  • We recognise India's contribution to the world in the field of technology, medicine, business: Bush
  • Indo-US partnership is deep and we share common values: Bush
  • Both nations working to spread prosperity for their people: Bush
  • India's economic reforms wise: Bush
  • Indians have made great contributions to US: Bush
  • Indians are today members of our armed forces: Bush
  • Three years ago, we lost a great astronaut of Indian origin in Kalpana Chawla: Bush
  • India is a great country: Bush
  • I was excited to be in Sania Mirza's city today: Bush
  • India well conected to global economy today: Bush
  • India's middle class prosperity is an opportunity for US: Bush
  • Today India has more cellphones than landlines: Bush
  • Your economy has doubled since you opened your economy: Bush
  • World needs India's leadership to open global markets at WTO: Bush
  • In a free economy, every citizen has something to contribute: Bush
  • In my country some focus only on outsourcing: Bush
  • It is true that some have lost jobs in US: Bush


  • But I strongly disagree that we should be protectionist: Bush
  • Americans who come here, see Indians buying American goods: Bush
  • US will not give in to protectionists: Bush
  • India should lift caps on FDI: Bush
  • It should open its market: Bush
  • It should enforce laws and check child exploitation: Bush
  • Doha Round of talks will be a great opprtunity to do so: Bush
  • PM Singh and I will try to achieve this: Bush
  • America and India will lead the way: Bush
  • Nuclear agreement will strenghten security and economy: Bush
  • India, Us can together face world's energy challenge: Bush
  • Nuclear deal will help bonds of trust between India and US: Bush
  • Both nations beginning to grapple with terrorism: Bush
  • One of the biggest challenge is energy: Bush
  • Cleanest way to meet the growing energy deamand is civilian nuclear energy: Bush
  • Singh and I have agreed to implement nuclear deal: Bush
  • Share agricultural technology with Indian farmers: Bush
  • US is launching a new agricultural knowledge initiative of $100 million: Bush
  • This will bring a second green revolution in India: Bush
  • Working together to improve education, science and technology: Bush
  • Establish a new science and tech committee: Bush
  • Working together to eliminate avian flu and polio: Bush
  • We will fight AIDS together: Bush
  • America and India global leaders: Bush
  • We are good friends and if we work together then we can achieve anything: Bush
  • $30 dollar science and tech research fund set up: Bush
  • Both nations know the pains of terror: Bush
  • Terrorists have misunderstood our countries: Bush


  • We must fight terrorism because terrorism anywhere threatens democracy anywhere: Bush
  • Critical areas like military cooperation is stronger than ever before: Bush
  • Nuclear agreement to strengthen ecomony and security: Bush
  • India's help in rebuilding Afghan democracy praiseworthy: Bush
  • India connecting to world economy like never before: Bush
  • Indians have contributed to american science and technology: Bush
  • India is a global power and should support democracy anywhere in the world: Bush
  • After years of suffering, Afganistan is seeing hope and India has helped this country: Bush
  • We should work in nations where democracy has just begun to work: Bush
  • India is better-off with a better relationship with Pakistan and vice versa: Bush
  • Advance for freedom is the great story of our time: Bush
  • Freedom is not an American or Indian value: Bush
  • This is because the source of freedom is the gift of god: Bush
  • A peaceful Pakistan is good for India: Bush
  • There is only one history of man and it leads to freedom: Bush

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