BANGALORE: The installation of underground pipes at the Jayamahal underpass near the Cantonment Railway Station doesn’t seem to have done the trick as an overflowing drain was again a cause of worry in one of the busiest roads of Bangalore.Just a month and a half ago, minister Suresh Kumar inspected the cleaning of a manhole and the setting up of pipes to make sure that the problem doesn’t repeat itself. But it was back in full swing putting the residents and the passersby in severe distress.The travellers were dealing with a mini pool of drainage water as its splashing put the pedestrians in a lurch. The water flow was a force to reckon with as people struggled to cross the road. Small fountains of water greeted people to the underpass. The problem was worsened by the disposal of garbage by the residents in the area. Heaps of mud present in the passage way added to the mess already created. The stench emanating from the garbage was unbearable as the foul smell affected the public even as far as the Cantonment Railway Station. As if the above problems weren’t enough to make any normal person worry, the usage of the underpass as a urinal ground was the zenith of the people’s tolerance. The underpass, the officials say, is rarely used. But the mess it has been left in isn’t justified say the residents.A pedestrian, Sheela, said, “Walking through here becomes an adventure. Crossing the road even without the hassles present now is difficult as its a very busy street. But now having to face the foul smell and cross, avoiding the dirty water, is severely difficult. I wish the authorities would do something about the problem as I am a regular user of the street.” The state of the underpass has been primarily attributed to the train tracks above it. But the drain and the garbage were a problem that existed irrespective of the tracks remark the residents.Srinath, a motorist on the road, said, “It is very difficult to drive through the mess. If you own a car there is a difference as you, most probably, won’t end up getting drenched.” Most motorists on the road said that the water added to the drift making it extremely accident prone. A receiver of complaints at the PRO office of the Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB), Rajkumar, asserted that there was no problem with the area. He added that an official had visited the area in the morning and no inconveniences were felt. The local corporator of the locality, Katta Jagadish, was unavailable for comments.Satish, the executive engineer (central zone) for the BWSSB, said, “The problem was created due to the severe rainfall in Bangalore from the past few days. So the drain ends up getting clogged and as a result, it overflows. I will ensure that it is cleared by Tuesday morning.”
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