Modi 2.0 is Working at Double the Pace, and So Is The NaMo App
Modi 2.0 is Working at Double the Pace, and So Is The NaMo App
PM Modi’s effective use of social media set the narrative throughout the election campaign, effectively rewriting history.

My father seems to be on the phone much more now, and the secret sauce is the NaMo App! It keeps him thoroughly engaged and occupied. As politics evolve in our country, it becomes imperative that there is a strong two-way communication between the public and the government, and for the first time, we have an app that does exactly that.

Politics is a continuous endeavor to reach people’s hearts and minds. In a country as vast and diverse as ours, what becomes challenging and important is to establish this connection in the most efficient manner. When most leaders were still relying on traditional means of communication like door-to-door campaigns and media interviews, Prime Minister Narendra Modi broke the stereotype and took to social media, skillfully combining it with a ground connect, thus ensuring that he reached people of all strata.

Given the natural advantages of social media, a quick and direct interaction with the voters made his campaign a massive success. PM Modi’s effective use of social media set the narrative throughout the election campaign, effectively rewriting history. While other leaders tried to catch up post-2014 and establish themselves on social media, it was probably too little too late. This time the innovation was the NaMo app that led the communication directly into the hands of the people. A mobile application designed specifically for communicating with citizens seamlessly- the Narendra Modi App – gives an exclusive opportunity to connect with the PM himself, catch all the latest updates, read his blogs and listen to various 'Mann ki Baat' episodes.

The NaMo App is an exemplary innovation with interesting features, infographics and videos that builds true involvement with the government. It is creating an informed citizenry which can evaluate the governance and keep in touch with all the news. This idea itself is far superior to conventional ways of ratcheting up political rhetoric and sloganeering. In an endearing touch, subscribers also get a personalized birthday message from the PM himself!

The elections of 2019 saw the app taking on a totally new form of engagement with the availability of NaMo Merchandise. Ushering in an era of transparent funding, the App hosted a micro-donation platform enabling contributions by the common man towards the party and its vision. The vision for the NaMo app as a unique, people-centric outreach platform that keeps the leader, the party and the people in sync, is complete with features such as a Volunteer Module and an Internal Messaging platform.

In his second stint, Modi 2.0 has already seen huge developments and razor-sharp focus on the promises made during the 2019 elections. The first hundred days saw important decisions being taken, thus setting the pace for faster decision-making in the new government. If the new outlook of the government is about being responsive and quick, how can the NaMo App be far behind?

‘Ease’ has been the buzzword of the government with ease-of-living and ease-of-doing-business being among the most commonly stated aims. This ease has now reached the NaMo App as well a seamless one-touch navigation, clean user interfaces, easy scrolling and easy sharing of images, videos and articles. This ensures that information on Good Governance is not limited to one platform and information can spread across social media. The App now ensures easy onboarding of users to further smoothen the experience.

Much like popular social media platforms, ‘stories’ have been introduced which helps the user to view recent updates, images and videos in the format of a slideshow. In a world where content has never been more powerful, a library of exclusive content has been created under the tab of NaMo Exclusive which keeps the user interested, and the infinite scrolling helps to keep them hooked!

The NaMo app converges user experience with unique features in a sleek and immersive fashion. The most interesting aspect is that contrary to the ultra-orthodox stereotype of how a person in politics interacts with his or her people, this innovative use of technology has been led by a political leader. PM Modi has proved that politicians can be up-to-date technology by creating innovative ways to communicate with one’s electorate.

In thousands of households, as it is in mine, the NaMo app is relevant and popular across generations - for the first time we know what our government is doing and how our lives are being impacted.

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