London: One in four Germans feel that despite all the atrocities, Nazi rule had its good points. According to a survey done by Stern magazine, 25 per cent of the Germans polled said they agreed that National Socialism had positive aspects such as the highway system, elimination of unemployment, low criminality rate and the encouragement of the family.
Seventy per cent of those polled, however, responded in the negative, according to the Daily Mail.
The survey was commissioned after a talk show hostess was fired for praising the Nazis' attitude toward motherhood.
Eva Herman, 48, said at a book launch that while there was “much that was very bad, for example Adolf Hitler,” there were good things, “for example the high regard for the mother” under the Nazis.
Praising the 1933-45 Nazi dictatorship is a taboo in Germany.
The poll suggested that those aged 60 or older had the highest regard for aspects of the era, with 37 per cent answering ‘Yes’.
Those who grew up directly after the war, now aged between 45 and 59, were the least enthusiastic, with only 15 per cent responding ‘Yes’.
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