New Delhi: The National Crime Records Bureau data has revealed that a total of 1, 48,972 cases related to economic offences were reported in the year 2017 of which forgery, cheating and fraud accounted for the maximum — 1, 27,430 — cases followed by criminal breach of trust (20, 371) and counterfeiting (1,171).
In 19 metropolitan cities, maximum cases were registered for forgery, cheating and fraud (25,759), which accounted for 88.6 per cent during 2017.
Rajasthan tops the list with 21,645 cases of economic offences though the figure is a two-year low. In 2016, the state reported 23,589 cases while in 2015, it was 27,071 cases. The second state with the most reported economic offences cases is Uttar Pradesh with 20,717 cases. This has seen a spike from the previous two years. In 2016, UP reported 15,765 cases, while in 2015, it was 14,545. Maharashtra is at the third spot with 13,941 cases. This is higher than the stats of 2016 (13,008) and 2015 (13,733). In Union Territories, Delhi reported the highest number of cases (5,200), which is lower compared to the previous two years.
Under the criminal breach of trust, the various state and UT police filed 20,371 cases, while 1,171 cases were filed in the counterfeiting section. The maximum cases were filed under forgery, cheating and fraud.
State-wise, Uttar Pradesh has recorded the highest number of cases (5,415) under criminal breach of trust sections followed by Assam (2,164) and Maharashtra (1,979) whereas Delhi recorded 399 cases.
A total of 2, 94,978 cases of economic offences are pending for investigation. These also include those from previous years, cases reported in 2017 and cases re-opened for investigation.
Justice could not be guaranteed in over 27,000 cases (27,808) because of insufficient or lack of evidence. A total of 77,492 cases were chargesheeted, including 39,568 cases from the previous years (before 2017) and total cases that have been disposed of include the chargesheeted data as well. While 55.7% of the cases under economic offences have been chargesheeted, the pendency rate is 52.7%.
Among the states, Maharashtra tops the number of cases for investigation — 34,950 — and among the UTs, it is Delhi with 20,351 cases for investigation. Uttar Pradesh has chargesheeted maximum cases of economic offences as compared to other states with 10,429 chargesheets.
Around 4, 47,341 cases are pending for trial from previous years (before 2017) while 77,492 cases are pending for trial from 2017. Maharashtra has the highest cases for trial (including the ones during 2017 and from previous years) (96,249) followed by UP with (57,685) cases pending for trial. Delhi, however, has 16,254 cases pending for trial.
For economic offences, 1, 52,979 persons have been arrested while 1, 26,748 persons have been chargesheeted of which 13,759 have been convicted and 38,372 persons acquitted.
Among the metropolitan cities, Delhi records the highest cases of Economic offences (4,808) followed by Mumbai (4,462).
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