Pak says India's terror dossier not credible
Pak says India's terror dossier not credible
Pakistan's Foreign Secretary accused India of pushing the region towards war.

New Delhi: Pakistan toughened its stance on Tuesday on the terror dossier provided by India and claimed that New Delhi has not given any evidence to Islamabad related to Mumbai terror attacks.

Pakistan's Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir said the terror dossier that India has given has little information and is not credible. "The details provided by India are mere information and cannot be treated as evidence or help in the investigations," Bashir told the National Assembly's Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Accusing India of being belligerent, Bashir accused India of pushing the entire region towards war.

He said that Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s statement, in which he accused Pakistani elements of being behind the Mumbai terror attacks, has made the situation worse in the sub-continent and added that India wanted to isolate Pakistan internationally.

Pakistan's Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Malik Ahmad Khan, too, blamed India for not giving any evidence to Pakistan related to Mumbai terror attacks.

"India has not even begun its official investigation. We will give befitting response to Indian military’s adventurism. India has not pushed back its forces from forward position on Pakistan’s eastern borders," said Malik Ahmad Khan.

Meanwhile, Pakistan is preparing its own dossier to counter India's charge that the Mumbai terror attacks were planned and executed by terror groups based in Pakistan.

"Pakistan will soon send its dossier to Washington and other world capitals to let them know which state in South Asia has been supporting the menace of terror on the soil of neighbouring states," a senior Pakistan Foreign Ministry official said.

The dossier apparently contains evidence of the involvement of Indian nationals in terror acts in Pakistan tribal areas and Balochistan.

According to reports in Pakistani media, it has made it clear to US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Richard Boucher that the proof brought to Pakistan is insufficient for any action.

It has also cast doubts over the authenticity of the letter written by Mohammad Ajmal Amir Kasab to the Pakistani High Commissioner in India Shahid seeking legal aid.


Reports also suggest that Pakistan is expected to reply to India in a couple of days about the dossier related to Mumbai attacks.

It has in fact agreed to form a committee comprising of officials of different investigating departments to review evidences provided by India.

However, Pakistan’s High Commissioner Shahid Malik has rejected reports that Mumbai attack evidence given by India has been rejected by Pakistan as being insufficient.

"There is no question of rejecting the evidence given by India. We are examining and that will take some time," said Malik.

The dossier was handed over to Malik by Foreign Secretary Shiv Shankar Menon.

The dossier includes Confession of Ajmal Amir Kasab, the only terrorist of 26/11 attack captured alive, log book recovered from MV Kuber, the vessel which was hijacked by the terrorists to reach Mumbai.

It also includes evidence which shows that food supplies left on MV Kuber had made in Pakistan labels, GPS records indicating the route taken by the terrorists from Karachi to Mumbai on 26/11, satellite phone records of conversation between 26/11 terrorists and their handlers in Pakistan on Thurayya phones, taped conversations between ISI Majors and Pakistani Army officers.

The dossier also has records of transcripts of phone conversations between Mumbai terrorists and Muzammil, who if No. 4 in Lashkar-e-Toiba hierarchy.

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