Paradox : Thy synonym is Kerala
Paradox : Thy synonym is Kerala
Follow us:WhatsappFacebookTwitterTelegram.cls-1{fill:#4d4d4d;}.cls-2{fill:#fff;}Google NewsI was a host to a small group of tourists who included a businessman and an attorney from the west and a colleague lawyer and his friend, an Executive in a private company in Mumbai. I took them to my ancestral home near Palai in Kottayam District. My home is situated in a verdant landscape in the midst of rubber plantations. I took my guests for a morning walk across the small hills around. My guests were aghast. They couldn't believe it is India. The palacious houses almost all except ours were newly built and looked overwhelming. Every house in that village has a tarred approach road and one or two cars in its porch. Some of them belonged to people who were once our servants. The girls from all these Christian families studied Nursing, went to Europe and America and had built these houses for their parents or their brothers whom they could not take to the west.
The next day, I had them with me for an evening walk through the narrow roads of Ernakulam, They were surprised to find name boards of advocates everywhere. Then I finally took them to the newly built building High Court of Kerala. That were amused by its splendor .But were unable to imagine how a small state like Kerala needs such a huge complex. My European guests were in equal disbelief and curiosity when they came across the huge collectorate complex at Ernakulam and the majestic Assembly Building in Thiruvananthapuram.

As almost any visitor to the state to his disbelief would have realized, Kerala stands different from the rest of the world. In terms of "Human development Index" which includes life expectancy, child mortality, literacy it stands at par with Europe. However, the income of an average Keralalite is just 1/100th that of an American. In terms of unemployment it can only compare itself with Cuba. Curiously, Cuba and its Feudal Castro are the icons of the state. The Latin American revolutionary leader Cheguera is a greater iconic figure today than Mahatma Gandhi and Karl Marxif one were to go by the wall posts seen everywhere.

Kerala has the highest literacy rate in India. But has the lowest number of technically qualified and employable people. The quality of education is the poorest. Keralites abhor America and its imperialism. But like the Cubans who often take risk of being eaten by sharks while they illegally migrate to the shores of U.S in country boats and rafts, a Keralite would readily
sell or mortgage every thing he has for a

Kerala has been traditionally known to be the most religiously tolerant state. But, all its politics today is based solely on various caste and communal permutation and combinations. Muslim league here is a secular party! It was in the most fertile soil of this land that the seeds of liberal thinking sprouted and blossomed in the early twentieth centaury. The communist movement could cause a severe blow to feudalism and casteism.. Then Communist movement was essentially an atheist movement and inspired by the Marx words; "Religion is an opium that intoxicates the man".
However ,today's Marxists of kerala are a greater proponents of Islamic Fundamentalism than even them. When world Trade center was brought down to ashes by terrorists many Marxist here rejoiced it as a much needed blow to the American Imperialism. From a liberal society where all shades of opinions could be expressed and people of all religious and the non-believers as well could live in peace, the Kerala has become the hot bed of religious fanatism. Intelligence Agencies believe that after Afghanistan, Kerala offers the most fertile breeding ground for Islamic Fundamentalism. Twenty five years before when I was studying law at Ernakulam I have heard of Pardhanasin woman only from textbooks. Not a single Muslim women have ever found wearing a 'bhurkha'. Today, it is everywhere in the sight. It is the influence of the gulf which became rich without being educated. Christians too have turned to be intolerant. Today, the state witnesses Bishops and Arch Bishops coming out in open speaking for the narrow ends of their particular communal segment and demanding that 'x' or 'y' of their community to be made a Minister, M.P, MLA, a Judge, etal. While the Christians in Europe had no quarrel with Da-vinci code, the Bishops in Kerala were up in arms demanding its ban. A few months before there were rallies for days and weeks even in the remote villages of Kerala clamoring death for the Danish cartoonist who ventured a cartoon on Prophet Mohammed.

Scientific temper and rational thinking are the greatest taboo, though, today we enjoy the fruits of scientific research and developments much more than ever before in history. Taking advantage of the cable revolution which space research has ushered in all sorts of irrational beliefs are propagated. Beaming before T.V, these Johnnies claim that their astrology is nothing but science. And the gullible millions take even suicidal decisions like divorcing ones wife, abandoning business and jobs, splitting with their family members, etal. based on their advice. Like fashion, every day a new channel is dedicated for "God". There are only three industries in the state that thrive. No.1 Religion; No.2 litigation; No.3 Politics. Religion is the most prosperous industry because it is the least risky and most profitable. Once you became a religious leader you become a demigod. And you can live in the height of luxury and power. You are above every law. All that you need to become a demigod is little craftiness and you can even attain international recognition and fame. Litigation flourishes because you will hardly ever come across a counsel by a lawyer not to litigate. Instead, he will engineer it. Politics continue to remain as a lucrative business because the state has the largest reserve of technically unqualified and unemployable youth with worthless University Degrees. These large pools of educated, unemployed people are the potential time bomb waiting to explode. The religious fanaticism, fundamentalism, terrorism and political unrest find its sustenance from it. No political party or government is willing to address this issue. The media too, unfortunately, does very little to educate the people on the real issues. They only look at their circulation and knowingly promote bigotry. They encourage superstitions. Like the political class which is negative about anything, the media too promotes negativism. Compare the news papers in Mumbai and Delhi with those in Kerala. Except meaningless Political quandary and over-sensationalism of sex scandals, the media does not address any issue that really affects the lives of the people.

Kerala has many a time captured the national News Headlines for its consistent record for the largest number of suicide by farmers. Except a miniscule trading community for 80% of the population, agriculture is the main source of income. Unlike the popular misconcept the farmers suicide are not really caused by crop failure. The real reason is the Kerala's peculiar social culture. People invest on their houses, luxuries, cars, fridges, liquor and marriages beyond all their means. The huge volume of trade in gold alone is telltale. People take loan beyond their repayment capacity to spend on these luxuries and commit suicide when they could not repay. A Keralite buy a luxury car not because he needs it, nor could afford it, but his neighbour has one. He has no time for himself. All his energy and time is invested in his neighbour; to poke into what he does. I still remember of an old neighbour of mine in a prominent flat in the city who would forego his midnight-sleep to find out whether his bachelor neighbour has a sexual adventure with a commercial sex worker. His months' long spy work ultimately fructified. And I came to know about it from the newspapers; in a box that a "five star brothel" is run in our apartment.

Like the suicide syndrome, the syndrome of negativism inflicts the "Malayalee" only so long as he confines himself within the four walls of the state. Once out of the state, he is the chap who is every ones man Friday. They consider him as most hardworking, intelligent, loyal and practical. The history teaches us that man is at his best in the face of harshest of circumstances. Mumbai owes itself largely to Parsees who fled their homeland, today's Iran, in the face of Islamic onslaught. Marvadies and Gujarathie's dominate the India's business world as they had to flee their native lands because of drought and famine. Keralites remain poor and debt ridden because the nature has been too kind to them and have blessed them with everything leading its inhabitants to slip into complacency. The unwritten law is, God has made the land "his own" with all resources : then the Govt. should provide everything and one should enjoy laid back and gossiping and dreaming about isms which rest of the world has abandoned long back.

(Mathew Nedumpara is a corporate lawyer and lives his life shuttling between Mumbai, New Delhi and Cochin)About the AuthorMathews J Nedumpara He is a lawyer...Read Morefirst published:February 26, 2007, 09:57 ISTlast updated:February 26, 2007, 09:57 IST
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I was a host to a small group of tourists who included a businessman and an attorney from the west and a colleague lawyer and his friend, an Executive in a private company in Mumbai. I took them to my ancestral home near Palai in Kottayam District. My home is situated in a verdant landscape in the midst of rubber plantations. I took my guests for a morning walk across the small hills around. My guests were aghast. They couldn't believe it is India. The palacious houses almost all except ours were newly built and looked overwhelming. Every house in that village has a tarred approach road and one or two cars in its porch. Some of them belonged to people who were once our servants. The girls from all these Christian families studied Nursing, went to Europe and America and had built these houses for their parents or their brothers whom they could not take to the west.

The next day, I had them with me for an evening walk through the narrow roads of Ernakulam, They were surprised to find name boards of advocates everywhere. Then I finally took them to the newly built building High Court of Kerala. That were amused by its splendor .But were unable to imagine how a small state like Kerala needs such a huge complex. My European guests were in equal disbelief and curiosity when they came across the huge collectorate complex at Ernakulam and the majestic Assembly Building in Thiruvananthapuram.

As almost any visitor to the state to his disbelief would have realized, Kerala stands different from the rest of the world. In terms of "Human development Index" which includes life expectancy, child mortality, literacy it stands at par with Europe. However, the income of an average Keralalite is just 1/100th that of an American. In terms of unemployment it can only compare itself with Cuba. Curiously, Cuba and its Feudal Castro are the icons of the state. The Latin American revolutionary leader Cheguera is a greater iconic figure today than Mahatma Gandhi and Karl Marxif one were to go by the wall posts seen everywhere.

Kerala has the highest literacy rate in India. But has the lowest number of technically qualified and employable people. The quality of education is the poorest. Keralites abhor America and its imperialism. But like the Cubans who often take risk of being eaten by sharks while they illegally migrate to the shores of U.S in country boats and rafts, a Keralite would readily

sell or mortgage every thing he has for a

Kerala has been traditionally known to be the most religiously tolerant state. But, all its politics today is based solely on various caste and communal permutation and combinations. Muslim league here is a secular party! It was in the most fertile soil of this land that the seeds of liberal thinking sprouted and blossomed in the early twentieth centaury. The communist movement could cause a severe blow to feudalism and casteism.. Then Communist movement was essentially an atheist movement and inspired by the Marx words; "Religion is an opium that intoxicates the man".

However ,today's Marxists of kerala are a greater proponents of Islamic Fundamentalism than even them. When world Trade center was brought down to ashes by terrorists many Marxist here rejoiced it as a much needed blow to the American Imperialism. From a liberal society where all shades of opinions could be expressed and people of all religious and the non-believers as well could live in peace, the Kerala has become the hot bed of religious fanatism. Intelligence Agencies believe that after Afghanistan, Kerala offers the most fertile breeding ground for Islamic Fundamentalism. Twenty five years before when I was studying law at Ernakulam I have heard of Pardhanasin woman only from textbooks. Not a single Muslim women have ever found wearing a 'bhurkha'. Today, it is everywhere in the sight. It is the influence of the gulf which became rich without being educated. Christians too have turned to be intolerant. Today, the state witnesses Bishops and Arch Bishops coming out in open speaking for the narrow ends of their particular communal segment and demanding that 'x' or 'y' of their community to be made a Minister, M.P, MLA, a Judge, etal. While the Christians in Europe had no quarrel with Da-vinci code, the Bishops in Kerala were up in arms demanding its ban. A few months before there were rallies for days and weeks even in the remote villages of Kerala clamoring death for the Danish cartoonist who ventured a cartoon on Prophet Mohammed.

Scientific temper and rational thinking are the greatest taboo, though, today we enjoy the fruits of scientific research and developments much more than ever before in history. Taking advantage of the cable revolution which space research has ushered in all sorts of irrational beliefs are propagated. Beaming before T.V, these Johnnies claim that their astrology is nothing but science. And the gullible millions take even suicidal decisions like divorcing ones wife, abandoning business and jobs, splitting with their family members, etal. based on their advice. Like fashion, every day a new channel is dedicated for "God". There are only three industries in the state that thrive. No.1 Religion; No.2 litigation; No.3 Politics. Religion is the most prosperous industry because it is the least risky and most profitable. Once you became a religious leader you become a demigod. And you can live in the height of luxury and power. You are above every law. All that you need to become a demigod is little craftiness and you can even attain international recognition and fame. Litigation flourishes because you will hardly ever come across a counsel by a lawyer not to litigate. Instead, he will engineer it. Politics continue to remain as a lucrative business because the state has the largest reserve of technically unqualified and unemployable youth with worthless University Degrees. These large pools of educated, unemployed people are the potential time bomb waiting to explode. The religious fanaticism, fundamentalism, terrorism and political unrest find its sustenance from it. No political party or government is willing to address this issue. The media too, unfortunately, does very little to educate the people on the real issues. They only look at their circulation and knowingly promote bigotry. They encourage superstitions. Like the political class which is negative about anything, the media too promotes negativism. Compare the news papers in Mumbai and Delhi with those in Kerala. Except meaningless Political quandary and over-sensationalism of sex scandals, the media does not address any issue that really affects the lives of the people.

Kerala has many a time captured the national News Headlines for its consistent record for the largest number of suicide by farmers. Except a miniscule trading community for 80% of the population, agriculture is the main source of income. Unlike the popular misconcept the farmers suicide are not really caused by crop failure. The real reason is the Kerala's peculiar social culture. People invest on their houses, luxuries, cars, fridges, liquor and marriages beyond all their means. The huge volume of trade in gold alone is telltale. People take loan beyond their repayment capacity to spend on these luxuries and commit suicide when they could not repay. A Keralite buy a luxury car not because he needs it, nor could afford it, but his neighbour has one. He has no time for himself. All his energy and time is invested in his neighbour; to poke into what he does. I still remember of an old neighbour of mine in a prominent flat in the city who would forego his midnight-sleep to find out whether his bachelor neighbour has a sexual adventure with a commercial sex worker. His months' long spy work ultimately fructified. And I came to know about it from the newspapers; in a box that a "five star brothel" is run in our apartment.

Like the suicide syndrome, the syndrome of negativism inflicts the "Malayalee" only so long as he confines himself within the four walls of the state. Once out of the state, he is the chap who is every ones man Friday. They consider him as most hardworking, intelligent, loyal and practical. The history teaches us that man is at his best in the face of harshest of circumstances. Mumbai owes itself largely to Parsees who fled their homeland, today's Iran, in the face of Islamic onslaught. Marvadies and Gujarathie's dominate the India's business world as they had to flee their native lands because of drought and famine. Keralites remain poor and debt ridden because the nature has been too kind to them and have blessed them with everything leading its inhabitants to slip into complacency. The unwritten law is, God has made the land "his own" with all resources : then the Govt. should provide everything and one should enjoy laid back and gossiping and dreaming about isms which rest of the world has abandoned long back.

(Mathew Nedumpara is a corporate lawyer and lives his life shuttling between Mumbai, New Delhi and Cochin)

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