PM says India is changing, take note
PM says India is changing, take note
Political postures based in the past won’t help the country, says Manmohan in speech to economic think tank.

New Delhi: Political “postures” in the country are often "out of line with our current interests", said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Monday.

"I am often disappointed by the lack of adequate appreciation in our country, including among our political leaders, of the changing nature of our relationship with the world, and indeed with the region around us,” Singh said at the silver jubilee of Indian Council for Research and International Economic Relations.

"Very often, we adopt political postures that are based in the past and are out of line with our current interests as an increasingly globalised and globally integrated economy," he told the think tank.

Without naming any political party or leader, Singh said that he is disappointed that India's new relationship with the world and its impact on our domestic policies is not appreciated.

India was destined to be more globally engaged and more integrated with its own region. "Even today, our energy security is closely intertwined with our political relations with a wide range of countries around the globe. Our food security, indeed our national security, are closely linked to developments around the world," he said.

A deeper understanding of China and studying the World Trade Organisation (WTO), South Asia, South-East Asia, West and Central Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe, and North America would help in forming domestic policies.

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